Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

desertwind said:
And the character that millions of fans would miss the most would be the chrismatic...Grissom,

He is indeed old enough to be Santa :lol:

While I do agree that CSI started out as a show which was centered around his character, I don't think it holds true at this point. And calling someone his age gorgeous sounds weird to me ;)
Well, if your a teenager, I guess that would hold.. but if your close to his age :p he's not 90.. and there's all age groups on here, & to each ones own.. ya' know! and maybe go check out his 'thread' and look at all the younger fans that think the same ;)one's 14.....WP, is the star of CSI, and makes the most money and is the most popular character on the show, then and now, that's a fact! and millions of women fans find him irresistible, and when you get 'older' you can still be handsome, so I find that weird that your find it weird!! :rolleyes: and to my knowledge, there are so far no teenage CSI's. these cast members are all in their 30's, 40's and 50's.. and still 'HOTT' :p

grampa Billy! :rolleyes:
desertwind said:
Well, if your a teenager, I guess that would hold.. but if your close to his age :p he's not 90.. and there's all age groups on here, & to each ones own.. ya' know! and maybe go check out his 'thread' and look at all the younger fans that think the same ;)one's 14.....WP, is the star of CSI, and makes the most money and is the most popular character on the show, then and now, that's a fact!

Santa Claus :rolleyes:

Ya know, I still think he's old, and I still can't understand how anyone can find him attractive, but to each their own. I for one do not choose my fav actors by the amount of money they make nor the amount of fans/popularity they have. Now that's a fact. Come to think of it, I don't choose favorite actors at all, I only choose women, or as I like to call it, they choose me :D

Btw, I'm no teenager, believe me. Also, arguing someone his age is attractive by stating that 14-year-olds find him sexy might not be the best of choices ;)

And the "Santa" was referring to your funny typo :p
Hodges... he bugs me for some reason. He also looks like like the serial killer Son of Sam who terrorized New York City in the late 70's. That totally creeps me out.
Probably out of all the cast, for me on CSI would be Catherine. Sorry, I like her at times, but sometimes she comes off to in your face. Now we all can be like that, but there is a borderline I think sometimes she crosses that is not acceptable at times.

I've watched plenty of other shows, where one character or two will get so under my skin I just will want to stop, but this show, if anybody left I'd probably be disappointed.
out of the main characters - it has to be Sofia. She does nothing for the show as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, all the main characters have a place, some more than others ;) They could show less of Greg as far as I'm concerned as well. I like him, but only the funny side of his character. Any big drama with him - like we got last season with him being beaten up, and the stuff that followed with that family - didn't work for me at all, and I found it a turn off story wise.
If for some reason Nick was kicked off the show, I would suggest getting rid of Warrick as well. I've never seen much in Warrick unless he's around Nick... That's generally when his personality comes out. Other than that Warrick's character seems so cliche.

(For the record though, I would never recommend getting rid of Nick.)
^true. But I like him anyway... I don't think I'd really miss either Warrick or Nick though if they left. Although it would be strange at first.

I personally thought Nick could have died at the end of season 5 and I would have liked it. Not for the sake of getting rid of him but for the "surprise factor". No one expected him to die, everyone trusted the team to find him. I am convinced it would have made for some very intense team building as well as a lot of character development of they had lost Nick back then.

But well, just my opinion. I don't mind Nick still being there.
Even though a lot of people find Nick dispensable, I think his character has so much heart that he's important to the show. Most characters come off as kind of cold, but Nick's got a sweet country warmth about him. When he gets emotional, I get emotional too... I love the gentility and vulnerability of his character... it makes him completely loveable! Until recently I never got why he was chosen for Grave Danger, now I totally get it. Nick’s not my favourite character, but I think because of the way he’s written, the emotional impact is really strong when bad things happen to him. Maybe that’s why so much bad stuff happens to him. :)
Well, I think that every character has its fans, so it's impossible to say which character would be missed the least. I like Nick, too, but I honestly don't care about him, as I don't do about all the other guys on the show :p . The least important for the storylines, though, might be the lab guys, Wendy etc., but that's only my opinion.
Agreed. Everyone has a favorite and everyone has a least favorite character. In the end they all belong on the show. No need to write any of them out...