Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

I'd like to see less of the lab techs so the original CSIs can get more character development again.

It's not that I don't like the lab techs, it's just that in several recent episodes, the writers have tried to fit them ALL into each episode and advance their characters to the point that they get more air time than Warrick, Nick or Greg.

Look at tonight's episode. The new DNA girl got more screen time than Sara. She got a fair amount of screen time last week too, and Greg was in only one scene.

In earlier seasons, Greg was the only lab tech they went to in every episode. Back then they might have had just one other -- Archie, Bobby, Ronnie -- but not all of them in an episode.

Now with Greg in the field, he's got time there; the new DNA person gets time; Hodges and Archie are in most episodes, and lately we've been seeing Bobby in each episode.

Grissom and Catherine tend to get at least 1/3 of the show on screen. If the guest star is significant, they get lots of air time too. That leaves a couple of minutes each for Warrick, Nick, Sara and Greg -- not enough time for some character work so they're pretty interchangeable in the story.

That's completely unsatisfying to me.
Sofia. I just don't like her.

I'm not fond of Sara...but the show works with her, so it's fine. She does bring a lot to the table.
I could live without Sofia, I just don't like her and Ecklie. But I couldn't live with Nick and Grissom, ladies, Catherine and Sara.
Ok, don't hate me too bad here.....but I have to admit, that even though Sofia is drop dead georgeous when she's standing still, I just get this wierd sense about her when I see her walking down the hallways. It's like she's trying to walk "All Tough" or something. Especially when she's walking and talking to Catherine. (It's very strange, watch it for yourself and see). Catherine is a tough, street smart woman, but she still maintains her femininity (hope I spelled that right). Sofia appears to be pouring on the "Bad A$$ Terminator 3 Thing" a little too much. What a shame, cause tough girls can be sexy, but too much is too much. It's like someone wearing way too much colonge. :)

I do have to admit, that as far a personality goes, she is much more appealing to me this time around than when she was Eklie's little flunky. Just lose the walk! And smile every now and then! :D
When I first saw Hodges, I easily could have lived without him, but he's gotten better. So I'd have to say Sara, Ecklie and Sofia really.
Black_n_Blue said:
Ok, don't hate me too bad here.....but I have to admit, that even though Sofia is drop dead georgeous when she's standing still, I just get this wierd sense about her when I see her walking down the hallways. It's like she's trying to walk "All Tough" or something. Especially when she's walking and talking to Catherine. (It's very strange, watch it for yourself and see). Catherine is a tough, street smart woman, but she still maintains her femininity (hope I spelled that right). Sofia appears to be pouring on the "Bad A$$ Terminator 3 Thing" a little too much. What a shame, cause tough girls can be sexy, but too much is too much. It's like someone wearing way too much colonge. :)

I know what you mean, it's called "the gay vibe" and it is hot as hell :D.

I could live without anyone but Sara and Sofia, but if I had o choose only one I'd have to go with Warrick. I just don't feel him at all.
Grissom. He's unattractive (to me), weird (not the good kind of weird that I like), boring and the least funny/interesting character in my eyes.

I didn't miss him one bit when he was gone for a few eps, with every other character it feels weird when they are missing.
I guess like alot of others SOFIA, I couldn't stand her at first, then was neutral, then she had some great moments, in a few epsiodes, & I almost liked her! but when you've got such strong women like Cath and Sara, she is kinda of pushed into the background, and poor Louise Lombard, she'd probably do better in another show! and Ickie Ecklie, and pushy nervy Hodges, are great in their nasty..obnoxious roles.. :devil: And the character that millions of fans would miss the most would be the chrismatic..magnetic. gorgeous Grissom, he's one of the best actors ever..& his sarcastic sense of humor. no match there! and I missed him so when he was gone for those 4 episodes.. if he goes bye-bye CSI
I could probably live without Sofia because I never warmed to the character much. Love Louise Lombard though :)

The show could lay off the Catherine drama too if that counts.