Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

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i would miss all of them(yes even eklie, sophia and all the other ones that people seem to not like), i think that they all bring something to the show, there are some that i would pick over others to get rid if i had to choose, but for the most part i wouldnt change anything.

if i really had to choose, i would pick Lady Heather(i know she is only a few eps), i cannot stand her, mainly because i am a big GSR, but i just dont like her, i cant say to much else without, well some of you know what i am talking about, if you dont, dont think about it, and no it is not bad, it has to do with the TPTB(sorry if that was totally mindboggling and made absoluetly no sense!) :D
I'm a big G/C-fan and well I could live with Heather and Gil together... yeah I know, but anyway I kinda could, don't ask me why.
But I just can't stand Sara, she's so annoying and ...
I agree Catherine does seem to get on my nerves a little too. She kinda whinny. But I guess if a had a disobient daughter and I had to work with Grissom... Like in that King Baby, they totally took Catherine's case!
Ecklie: "Catherine, it's not like we don't have confidence in you..."
Catherine: "I smell crap."
I also don't see why everybody was hatin' on Sofia in the 5th season. She didn't do anything wrong, it was Grissom.
But I don't like Warrick's wife. The marriage won't last long, they never do.
I don't think Warrick and his wife will last very long either. She's not terrible, I just don't think it will work.

I didn't like Sofia in the 5th season. She seemed to get into everything. I don't mind her so much now.

I could live without the sheriff though, that's always telling Grissom what to do. (I don't know if he's on there anymore though.)

I don't like Ecklie. He's annoying and weird.

I don't like Hodges, but I don't think he was meant to be liked. He's humorous though, so I could keep him.

So, if I HAD to, Ecklie would go.
Yeah, Ecklie or Sara, but Ecklie is, so,... he's well he's like Romano on ER, now without Romano something is missing...
I don't think I could do without any of the characters.

What I can do without is the writers typecasting them: Sara becomes the lovesick young girl mooning over her boss, not living a life outside of work and being a closet alcoholic; Ecklie being the tough boss who doesn't seem to care about his subordinates; the sherrif being the politico that cares more for his demographics than the victims being given justice.
I'd prefer three dimentional characters with flaws weaknesses and strengths. So far, Sara, Ecklie and the sherrif have no strengths, just flaws and weaknesses.
I could live with out the lab techs I guess... I mean.. there are so many main characters now as it is and they can't even get all of them in they story anymore and then they keep bring in new ones... they should work with what they have... THEN! bring the new ones in only if it fits the story... so. the lab techs.. and can't live without the main characters (sara, nick, warrick, gil, catherine, greg, brass)
i like the lab techs that have been there since the beginning (archie, bobby, hodges) but im not really liking the new dna woman (sorry, dont know her name) i really liked when greg was in the dna lab, but its fine with me now that hes a field agent. i liked mia better as gregs replacement in the lab. was there a reason why she left? i must have missed it cuz i didnt notice she was gone til this new girl showed up.
I could live without Mia Dickerson I dunno I just cant get into her character I'm glad she isn't in the episodes much..

I find on Miami that Calleigh Duquesne/Emily Procter's voice does my head in!!! I like the character and actress but not the voice lol!
I could live without Sofia!! She really gets on my nerves!! She doesn't fit in with the rest of the characters, in my opinion anyway. I think someone said that she's back in Season 6, is this true? And if she is, will she be leaving again?
i like the lab techs that have been there since the beginning (archie, bobby, hodges) but im not really liking the new dna woman (sorry, dont know her name) i really liked when greg was in the dna lab, but its fine with me now that hes a field agent. i liked mia better as gregs replacement in the lab. was there a reason why she left? i must have missed it cuz i didnt notice she was gone til this new girl showed up.
I feel the same way you do I guess Wendy is OKAY but I prefer Mia better I'm upset that she left as for why Aisha (the woman that played Mia) left i have a Hunch it was because she is on Ghost whisperers now but I'm not sure
Sofia..sorry to the Sofia fans..but i personally don´t really like this character.(i´d like to add again this is just my personal opinion and evryone is welcome to disagree.)
I had initially intended to put down Ecklie the Evil. But then I thought, every show needs a villian right; and Ecklie makes a really *horrible* villian. :devil: Horrible in a good kinda way. Erm... geddit? Nevermind. :p

So I decided that I might be able to live without Sophia. I like her actually, but since I'm keeping Ecklie (though the world would be a much better place without him ;)), I have to let poor Sophia go. :(

Ecklie should go. The thing about a villain being necessary is true, but there are different kinds of villains, and they arrest villains every episode. So I say Eckile in general, but also Sophia as a GSR shipper. Grrrrrr... i hate Sophia. I was so glad when Sara told her off in ABRTI.