Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

. absolutely cannot live without grissom... show will tank if he isn't on the show... heck... it would tank if any of the main leave..

I think you're right about that. I guess if I had to chose a character I could live without it would have to be Jacqui. Which is fortunate because we haven't seen her much lately.
^^^NO ,not Bobby! I love it when he screams, "Fire In the Hole!"

Besides, Jacqi and Bobby aren't on the show enough to be considered signficant enough to hate.
ya, they're not on long enough to hate. hahahahhahaha. i hate ecklie, but then it's nice to have someone to hate... hahahhahahahhaha
I don't hate her, I just think she is the least valuable. I mean everyone else does her job. By getting rid of her, we wouldn't lose one of the others. Besides, we can't lose Bobby D! I love Bobby D! :p
I really thought about it and I don't know. It would be weird without them there.

Catherine - She annoys me in some ways, sometimes I think she's a little stuck on herself, yet it would be weird without her and I can't help but like her.

Sara - I REALLY like Sara, it would really bother me if she left, I like her personailty, and how she can be caring. (I really liked her in ,"Too Tough to Die".)

Nick - First off, the man is really good, looking, but, also, he's an awesome character, and like Sara, I conected with him as a viewer for some reason. He was awesome in "Gum Drops". (I think that was the title)

Grissom - In all honesty, I don't think, the show would survive without him. I like him a lot, I know some people think he's a little weird, but I think he's awesome!

Warrick - Nick and Warrick, can't have one without the other in my opinion. Warrick is a cool guy, not to mention good looking.

Greg - Although he may not have as big as a plot has the other characters, I just love him. He's cool, he's funny, and even though I prefer him to be back in the lab, it wouldn't be the same without him.

Ecklie - He's... well not my favorite character, he annoys me. Yet, he's been a little more human, and it would be weird without him.

Hodges - Weird to say it, I like Hodges, he's kind of... weird, but I like him, and it would be weird without him.

Brass - I think he is hilarious! It would be so weird without him, and I just like him as a Character.

Doc Robbins - He may not have a big part, but, in the beginning of CSI he could be really funny, he still is now, and it would be weird seeing another Corner there.

David - Ha. He makes me laugh, his fear of Aliens, and when he had that crush on Sara. He's awesome, I like him.

Sophia - I... I can't stand her, there is something about her, that rubs me the wrong way.

Archie - He's awesome, and kinda good looking, it'd be weird having someone else there.

Bobby - I like him, I've liked him from season one and if someone else was there, I don't know, it wouldn't be right.

Overall, I could live without Sophia and I wouldn't give a second thought but, everyone else, I would miss. ^_^
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I have to go with the majority and say i can live without Sofia. I can also sometimes live without Sara, hodges (apart from the "You havent experienced the full David Hodges experience" part in GD)and Ecklie.
I could live without Sara... she's so well can't describe it, I just don't like her
sara...even I feel awkward when she is in the same scene as gil....wierd