Where Did You Get Your Username?

Mine's just my Eniglish name.. 'Hannah'.
I didn't realise that people were using nicknames either. But, I like it just fine... Besides, I can't think of anything much better :lol:
I followed the Ward Girls over here. :)

Short version...I was making fun of a friend for something about Smokey the Bear and she started calling me Smokey and then everyone at work did and then it just became my online ID for everything. I've had it for 12 years online now.

I have some really good friends who don't even know my "real" name. :lol:
When my Brother was hung, learning how to talk; he pronounced my name (Joyce/Joycie) Wassy. As he got oler he continued to call me that, then it changed at some point to Wassito.
What an interesting thread !

My username is the portuguese word for "Ladybird"... I like it because ladybirds are supposed to bring people luck and also because I am of Portuguese extraction ! :)
You know I always wonder why people have the usernames that they do, this is a great thread! It's awesome to know how creative you guys are!

My name came from the state....obviously. I've lived in New Jersey for all of my life, but I was born in Wyoming. Ever since I was 15 I've had an interest in returning to Wyoming at some point, probably after I retire...because it's quiet there. I was supposed to go back when I was 16, and I was going to see Carrie Underwood preform, but then she canceled her concert and my dad didn't see a reason in still going, so we didn't go. Ever since then I've been very interested in Wyoming's history, and I think that's about the time I signed up for the site sooo yeah, that's where it came from, and it's stuck ever since then.
My username is the answer to a common joke we get here in the US state in which I live. Wyoming, you probably know the joke already. I decided on the name just because I wanted to change my original screenname, and I couldn't think of anything better.
I don't actually, does it have something to do with New Jersey? I do know that New Jersey has really confusing exits.....especially when you're trying to get to Ocean City...I never know which exit to take!
My username comes from a nickname i got from the way i played SOCOM US Navy Seals (a playstation game), everyone used to say i was sneaky so i became...Sneaky and now its stuck for everything lol :)
Wyoming said:
I don't actually, does it have something to do with New Jersey? I do know that New Jersey has really confusing exits.....especially when you're trying to get to Ocean City...I never know which exit to take!

You grew up in and live in New Jersey, and yet you have never been asked "What Exit?" when you tell people you are from New Jersey? You're luckier than me no doubt. Basically, the joke is that most of New Jersey is accessible by either the Turnpike or the Parkway. So while we are on the subject, what exit?
My user came from my addiction with CSI:Miami and Horatio, but I've kinda shyed away from him now, so I'm hoping to have my user name changed now that I watch more CSI:NY, and Mac Taylor. :D

Though I'll always have a soft spot for David. ;) :)
This is a cool thread! :)

The 'EmeraldEyes' part of my name is because my eyes are green, :) and the '06' comes from the year I joined Talk CSI, in 2006. :) I was once 'EmeraldEyes05' on a WWE message board dedicated to wrestler, the Undertaker, so that's where my username orignally came from.
My mom and my friends always told me I had lovely eyes, so it's nice! :)
My username comes from my two favourite animals Wolf and Orca (Wolf + ca = wolfca) as well as it sort of has a mythology feel to it.

I'm loyal and protective like a wolf and i love my family like Orcas stay together. I also love the land (wolf) and love to swim (orca).

Strange i know but i couldn't think of anything more fitting
my username comes from Mitzi is my one dog, 96 was the year she was born and 2000, is the year i got my computer, boring and complicated, and not at all imaginative..sorry :lol: