What's Your View On Teenage Pregnancies?

I think that some kids just want to fit in with their peers. They care too much about what people think about them that they sacrifice their true selves in order to be popular. But, like you said earlier, if someone is trying to pressure someone else into doing anything that they aren't comfortable doing, they're not really a true friend to begin with. And a guy who pressures a girl into having sex doesn't really care about or respect that girl in the first place and vice versa.
As for the boys, it's time they start taking responsibility for their part in this too. Why should the girl and her parents be the only ones burdened by this. The boys should be required to take care of the child too, meaning that, maybe something like: every two weeks they have to care for the baby at his house and two weeks with the mother. The father's parents should be saddled with financial responsibility too.

Maybe if the boys had to take care of their babies, YES THEIR BABIES, maybe they would be telling their friends, 'man, it isn't worth it. Now I have to take care of this baby and can't always go out and have fun because my parents won't babsit, etc. etc.' Sometimes the most powerful thing is a friend telling you not to do something and chances are they'll listen to their friends before they listen to mom and dad.

I'd tell you something, if my daughter (I don't have any kids) got pregnant I would make damn sure that the father and his parents are just as involved in raising their child, taking care of the child in their home at times and help financially. If the boy and their parents refused, you can be sure I'd be taking them to court and have the court order them too. The boys are getting off scott free and that needs to change!!!!

Well at least in here, father still has to pay alamony (sp?)... hmm... but I guess that's after they turn 18.. I don't know. My bf's little bro had erm..this kind of accident but he was 18, and it was totally accident with his little summer vacation months that he spent in another town. Kid lives 500km away, but it's wonderful to see how much kid's grandparents (my bf's parents) love the kid and he visits them when he has a chance. I was wondering, now that my bf's bro moved away from home (he is my age) together with his gf... does that mean kid won't see his father anymore? Coz he is still kind of guy who likes to go out a lot and drink.... but whoknows, maybe the gf has changed him - she's quite cool.

But I guess then there are also girls who don't want to tell who the father is or don't want 'em around. But yeah, I agree guys should also get something that is visible so he couldn't go all shushshush about it or make it to a joke.
Im 14 and our school has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to teen pregnansies to be honest, which isn't really fair as most the rumours are totally made up, but thats another story altogether...
Personally i think the whole *lets go make a baby idea* shouldn't even enter your mind untill your like 18, but thats just me.
At school if your a boy who gets a girl pregnant then you go around looking all smug and thinking your cool. Cool?? Really keep it in your pants boys, its only your mates that think your cool.
However, if your a girl who is pregnant, then your labled a tart, slapper, bimbo ect.
Unless you missed that sex ed lesson then you probably know that it takes 2 people to make a baby!! I don't think its fair that the girl gets treated like she's a tart and the boy can carry on without anyone saying anything to him.
To make it worse, if you have sex but don't get pregnant then no one seems to have a problem with it, but if you openly say *No, i have never had sex* then you get treated like a freak because of it. Make your minds up people!! Thats why some girls get pregnant, haveing about 200 people talking about you being a virgin still isnt the most fun experiance i the world, believe me. As i said, im 14.. and i'd say only about 1/4 of our year has never had sex, or atleasts admits to it. Personally, i'm happy to admit to not *buttering my muffin* as the boys seem to be calling it lately. Yes, it makes me giggle to, :p
There s no need for teenagers to become pregnant they have there whole lives ahead of them for that kind of stuff. It's so sad to see.:(
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I don't think its fair that the girl gets treated like she's a tart and the boy can carry on without anyone saying anything to him.

same - but even without pregnancy this happens: men who sleep around are seen as some kind of player, but if a woman does it she's a slut or whatever. it's ridiculous - why shouldn't women/girls do what men/boys do?

To make it worse, if you have sex but don't get pregnant then no one seems to have a problem with it, but if you openly say *No, i have never had sex* then you get treated like a freak because of it. Make your minds up people!!

yeah, it's true! if you're not into sex, at whatever age (and believe me i know!), you're seen as either weird or a loser. same goes for if you are promiscuous - suddenly you're painted as some kind of monster. whatever you do, it's up to you and no one else and your choice should be respected so long as you're not harming anyone else - get me on the JS Mill bandwagon :D
Government should take care of the problem, sex Ed, condoms, programs etc...

Society isn't a big help either, with young celebs getting pregnant, but luckily the "fashion for pregnancy" is being reduced.

But not even once have I heard "so far" that the parents are responsible for their kids and telling them/teaching them about sex. Not just teachers and anybody else out there. It's the parent responcibility to sit them down and have a talk. Some parents teach their kids at a very early age (7yrs and up) -and it seems to work.

And just saying it's my business - is being Ignorant.
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I'm 28 and i clearly remember that one day (16 yr old) the Public Health Department was starting a vaccine iniciative, for free to all underaged and HS students. I went to get my shot when the nurse saw me and started a chat like this:

Nurse: Hi, have a sit
Me: Hi...
Nurse: Are you pregnant??
Me: WHAT THE FU...??
Nurse:Don't look at me like that, i come from another school and most of the 13 year old girls were pregnant and i cant shot a person who's having a baby...
Me: OMFG!!!!

One of my first jobs after becoming a computer engineer was the Public Health Network of Santiago, in charge of the computer and tecnologies of it. A psychologyst friend of mine was telling me one day that a lot of teenagers were coming for "Planned pregnacies"...and nime months later, they would go and talk to her to get help on adoption issues when the boyfriend they tried to caught ran like hell away from them!!! Interesting phenomena, given the fact that these girls had everything to have their studies, a future, and their goal was to grab a man no matter what and be a mom...and nothing else!!!

In the other hand, sex is understimated: what was an important step in our lives (waiting for the right guy, the magical first time, or even the importance of having the right reputation...) has become a trade/exchange currency: The girl who does not have sex with a guy or several guys is mistreated and left aside by her mates, and has less respect that the other girls who have an irresponsible behavior, and that makes me sick!
In the other hand, sex is understimated: what was an important step in our lives (waiting for the right guy, the magical first time, or even the importance of having the right reputation...) has become a trade/exchange currency: The girl who does not have sex with a guy or several guys is mistreated and left aside by her mates, and has less respect that the other girls who have an irresponsible behavior, and that makes me sick!

absolutely! and the fact it's used to sell just about everything makes this worse - media and advertising have a lot to answer for!
I agree. I had a friend in school and she became pregnant at 14 years old and she said to me not too long ago that she loves her son but it was a mistake to have a child at such a young age and wish she had waited until she was older. When her boyfriend found out she was pregnant he walked away from her and never looked back and she was left to look after her child on her own with the help of her parents.

I also agree that young teenage celebrities that fall pregnant are not setting a very good example for young girls that look up to them, they think raising a child is easy when they're just kids themselves. It's sad.:(
It may be easier for teenage celebs because they have the money and the resources and quite honestly, they probably have a nanny taking care of their kids most of the time. Teens should realize this and realize that it's not going to be that easy for them... especially if they're too young legally to get a job... how are they supposed to support the child?
Here's my opinion:

I was raised Christian, and I believe in what this belief says. I don't agree with sex before marriage, but I'm not going to hate someone because they do. It is someone's choice to have sex, and you can't force someone not to.

My belief is that you shouldn't before because condems are not 100 percent effective and neither is the pill. If you aren't planning to get pregnant, why take the chance if you can't support your child?

Two of my cousins had sex before they were married, and it was just a one time thing too. Both ended up with kids. Both ended up marrying, but still, now they have trouble with college.

Sex education is important. Kids should know the consequences of it. I still remember our school's sex talk (so it was only 2 years ago), but it was very informative. A lot of people just don't realize everything that can happen with unprotected sex. STDs and of course pregnancies. Kids just don't have the maturity to deal with that. I'm 15, and I don't want to grow up. I'm terrified of turning 16, and to me, sex is scary too. Not in a "that's unholy" way but I don't want to have to deal with that responsibility if something goes wrong.

There's my rant. I hope it made sense.
Interesting article I found on MSN.com regarding Teen Birth rates.


It seems like the higher the level of religious fundamentalism, the higher the teenage birth rate is. I find that interesting that there is that correlation. I think it has something to say about conservative religious beliefs, and the fact that in a conservative environment, they likely don't teach much use of contraceptives in sex ed; they probably don't do much with it at all.

It also mentions in the article that in a more conservative religious environment, people marry younger, and are likely to have children younger.

I also agree with the other discussion here about peer pressure. I've heard the term "virgin" used in a very derogatory manner, and this is even in junior high school (7th and 8th grade, age 12-14). It's a different world out there from twenty, ten or even five years ago. I'm not sure a lot of parents and people in authority realize that. pretty much, if there's something a kid or teenager wants, they're going to get it, no matter what. Sadly, the consequences are not always considered.
^ couldn't agree more. it's been a fairly well known fact for a long time that conservatism and extremely strong religious views tend to lead to higher rates of (a) pregnancy and (b) STIs in teens. some countries in europe have very low ages of consent (i believe in places like the netherlands (a particularly tolerant country on a lot of things) it's about 12-13) - they also have sex ed from a very young age, and they also have the lowest rates of teen pregnancy etc. the uk has relatively conservative attitudes to such things (age of consent is 16, sex ed is starting earlier these days but traditionally hasn't been til early teenage) and we have the highest teen pregnancy rate in europe by some distance i think. we keep reading all the newspapers and politicians wringing their hands over what to do and invariably it's the conservative ones who want to push sex/sex ed further underground and thus breed ignorance; anyone arguing for lower AOC and earlier sex ed is denounced as some kind of sexual terrorist. same goes for arguments on legalisation of drugs. the stupid thing is that the facts back up the progressive attitude and make the more conservative attitudes seem pretty counterproductive.

as for teens getting what they want, i think since the invention of the teenager (in about the 50s) this has been a fact of life - and telling a teen that something is naughty really won't put them off, it'll make that thing far more attractive.

and yeah, the use of the word virgin is pretty worrying, it was definitely that way when i was at school too (15-20 years ago - god i feel old!)
i had actually heard that teen pregnancies were on the rise in gay teens, as they want to "prove" they are straight by having sex. also, std's are on the increase in religious teens since they have sex in other ways and think they are preserving their virginity and so are not using condoms.

i have heard some crazy stuff coming from teens who have gone through abstinence only education in the states. like thinking mountain dew will reduce sperm count and protect them from pregnancy, and drinking bleach before sex will protect from std's. yes parents need to talk to kids, but the fact of the matter is many do not (and some will not) so they need to hear all the facts in school.

there is a new show on mtv, called "16 and pregnant" which i think should not be on. you know there are going to be some teenaged girls thinking "if i get pregnant i can be on mtv!!!" plus all the schools you hear about with pregnancy pacts. it is really getting out of control, i do not know what possess young girls to actually try and get pregnant and i dont know how it could be fixe.