Im 14 and our school has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to teen pregnansies to be honest, which isn't really fair as most the rumours are totally made up, but thats another story altogether...
Personally i think the whole *lets go make a baby idea* shouldn't even enter your mind untill your like 18, but thats just me.
At school if your a boy who gets a girl pregnant then you go around looking all smug and thinking your cool. Cool?? Really keep it in your pants boys, its only your mates that think your cool.
However, if your a girl who is pregnant, then your labled a tart, slapper, bimbo ect.
Unless you missed that sex ed lesson then you probably know that it takes
2 people to make a baby!! I don't think its fair that the girl gets treated like she's a tart and the boy can carry on without anyone saying anything to him.
To make it worse, if you have sex but don't get pregnant then no one seems to have a problem with it, but if you openly say *No, i have never had sex* then you get treated like a freak because of it. Make your minds up people!! Thats why some girls get pregnant, haveing about 200 people talking about you being a virgin still isnt the most fun experiance i the world, believe me. As i said, im 14.. and i'd say only about 1/4 of our year has never had sex, or atleasts admits to it. Personally, i'm happy to admit to not *buttering my muffin* as the boys seem to be calling it lately. Yes, it makes me giggle to,