Am I the only one who didn't mind the pornstache? I mean, I didn't
like it, per se...but he's still smokin hot, stache or no stache. The super buzz cut annoyed me more and it lasted longer too! It's not just him, I hate it when hubby does that. Give me hair, plz.
I wish GSR had not been attempted and just left in subtext. I enjoyed it (as much as I was ever going to, considering how lukewarm my feelings for Sara are) when it was a possibility or a secret, when it came out it was rather anti climactic. They didn't need to make a big deal out of it, but the way they handled it left me cold.
I wish the Nick/Greg scenes had not been cut. They are still my favorite thing about the early seasons, whether you ship them or not you have to admit they were fun and played off each other well. But then boom, Greg was in the field, pretty much being trained by Sara, who I don't really like, and there's this little flirtation going on that never convinced me (okay, I guess nothing about Sara has ever convinced me...) and there's practically no interaction between Nick and Greg. Such a shame, cause they had some of the best scenes early on, and I would have loved to see that friendship (or whatever. :shifty

grow onscreen.
I wish they had been consistent with the recurring characters. Sofia is a good example of this, she was in the credits and then gone, with no explanation at all? WTF, PTB? Where did she go and why? She's not the only character I miss like that, it's happened too much. It's like they don't really put any care or effort into anyone but the main cast and it drives me crazy. :scream:
I'm sure there's more, but these are the main things that bother me. Sheesh.