What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

1. GSR- for some reason it just creeps me out
2. Delko getting shot- i think it's a crap to heighten the drama
3. Aiden being killed- out of all the characters she had the most NY in them and was such a great character. i don't think i would miss the character so much as i do now if TPTB hadn't killed her off b/c then there might have been a chance for Vanessa to come back here and there as a guest star.
4. CSI:NY season 4
5. CSI season 4
6. the D/L "bump"- i love D/L but the "bump" was so horrible, it was a cheap plot and i hate the way they made Danny and Lindsay characters that they totally are not and should be, it's not doing them any favors.
1. GSR- for some reason it just creeps me out.

It's funny. At first I wanted it to happen, because I'd watched the tension fro the beginning and thought it would be a good thing, but when it happened, I was like, "No, this is just wrong." Avert thine eyes and all that :D
1. GSR - No disrespect to the shippers, but I just can't see it.
2. Nick's Pornstache - ...Do I really need to explain?
3. Calleigh/Eric - Come on, it makes no sense. They were close in seasons 1 & 2 and then for 2 seasons they had nothing to do with each other. And now suddenly they have "romantic feelings" for each other.
4. Danny/Lindsay - I like Danny's character but I really dislike Lindsay's so it sucks to see Danny being stuck with her.
1)GSR - its the one thing that has ruined CSI for me. Plus the way TPTB act as if its the most important thing and to hell with everything/everyone else. Plus is ruined Grissom's credibility and Sara lost her independence and just became Grissom's girlfriend. Two characters ruined, and I hated the way it made fans turn against each other.

2)Keppler - completely unnecessary. The remaining cast could have survived without replacing Grissom. They could have focused on Catherine, Nick, Warrick, and Greg instead of bringing in a new character. (I feel the same about Lawrence Fishburn joining the cast)

3)Greg's civil trial ordeal, I love Greg but this story line was a bit lame, they should have focused on Greg's burdon/guilt over killing someone instead or make him wonder if he should carry a gun. TPTB could have done so much more.

4)Nick's pornstache - in a word YUK!

5)Sophia leaving, I miss her. Plus they gave no explanation why!

6)Warrick's marriage - it was nothing but a way to keep him and Catherine apart (so TPTB could focus on another mistake -GSR) also turning him into a drug addict was wrong.

7)Aiden being killed off in CSINY, she was my fave character.

8)CSI:Miami - never should have happened
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I usually only watch NY, so I can only talk about that:
1) Aiden getting killed. On of the worst things they've ever done. She was such a great character and had so many goos interactions with Danny.
2) Peyton being with Mac. They had absolutely NO chemistry!
3) Danny cheating on Lindsay. I've never been a fan of D/L but it's beginning to look like a sopa opera.
Heh, some of us love CSI: Miami!

In retaliation (and I actually mean it :lol:)...

CSI: NY - Never should have happened. Love Gary Siniese, but that is literally the only good thing about that show, IMO.
Heh, some of us love CSI: Miami!

In retaliation (and I actually mean it :lol:)...

CSI: NY - Never should have happened. Love Gary Siniese, but that is literally the only good thing about that show, IMO.

Please. Let's play nice. People like different things. I personally can't stand Miami. I want to take Horatio's sunglasses and shove them where the sun don't shine. :klingon: However, there's some people who are into it, and I can respect that.

However, there's no need to get nasty about it. :rolleyes:
My comment wasn't meant to be mean, I do watch Miami myself occasionally. It's fun, I just can't take it seriously. I mean, the colors, the outfits, the cases... It's good entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. I'm not saying it sucks, but I'm sure I wouldn't have missed it if it had never existed.
As long as we play nice, there's room for everybody in the sandbox. ;)

I think it's interesting that the shows create such varying opinions among the fans - it means they each do their own thing, which I think is great for the franchise. :D
Oh I wasn't trying to be mean, that's why I threw in the laughing smiley. Here's another one for good measure :lol:

I'm on the same page as you guys, only with New York. I don't despise it so much that if someone's watching it I get up in leave, I just don't care for it much. It's too dark and formal.

I kind of like the brightness of CSI Miami. And it took me a long time to like Horatio, but now that I understand the character, I adore him.

I understand it's all fun and games here. ;)

Anyway, we're wayyyy off topic!
I'm with you MadyAnn. I don't turn away and run when I see Miami I just can't take it (well, actually only Horatio) seriously. It is what it is ... ;)

Anyway, you don't like NY because it's too dark, I think it lost a lot of its darkness after S1 and I'd like that back.

Oh, thought of something else, I don't know about S4 but there was this amazing DNA woman in the first two seasons, I think once in S3, she was British and just amazing. Is she still on the show because I just loved her! If she isn't anymore, that's one thing I wish that hadn't happened.
Is she still on the show because I just loved her!
I think you mean Jane Parsons (played by Sonya Walger) - no, she hasn't been back since season 2. She was in "Necrophilia Americana", and then I recall her talking to Mac in the hallway in "Charge of this Post", and that was it.
That's her. Too bad, I really liked her and I thought she had great chemistry with Mac ...

And just because we were talking about it at the Fort, the writer's inconsistency. Don't remember which episode but in one episode Doc Robbins declares himself a dog person in another he's suddenly a cat person. Do I need to comment?
Ha! Stuff like that always drives me a little nuts. On NY, they had Flack sneeze around a tiger in "Zoo York", but in a later episode he's in an enclosed space with some sort of large cat and doesn't comment about his allergies - why make a point of specifying something if you're just going to disregard it later?

That's something I wish didn't happen on the show - lack of continuity. :p