What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

1) Killing off Warrick
2) GSR
3) Bringing Sara back in Season 10
4) Not hooking Lady Heather up with Grissom
5) Nick/GE many changing hairstyles (see pornstache above and bowl haircut above)
6) Not making Cath Grissom's equal
7) Shoving Ray down our throats
8) Having Nick sleep with Kristy
9) Not keeping Sam Braun around
10) Not finishing Greg's book story arc
same as you:

- Warrick dying (without being in a relationship with Catherine!!!)
- Grissom leaving

Nick's moustache wasn´t very nice too :shifty:
5) Nick/GE many changing hairstyles (see pornstache above and bowl haircut above)
9) Not keeping Sam Braun around
10) Not finishing Greg's book story arc

Definitely agree on that Porn 'tache- something I wish I hadn't seen!
I didn't like the way Sam died, so agree on that one.

re Greg. I wish that his screen time hadn't been reduced so much. I miss him :(
Speed's death...
Calleigh should have never shot Eric...
Eric should have told Calleigh what he's up to then Calleigh would never have shot at Eric...
Speedle's death- there was so much that could've been done with him. But I'm sure they would've dropped it eventually had Rory stayed, because Calleigh used to have an interesting plot and they dumped it somewhere in season three or four.

Warrick plot- I haven't see the episodes yet, only watched the first nine of CSI so far, but I don't like that the writers had him hook up with someone else besides Catherine. Even now I can see something between the pair even though it's in the early days of the show.

Ryan plot- Have him hurt the team twice (I only saw the first, CBS has been wanky so I'm going to wait for the DVD to come out) is ridiculous. Wasn't it way back in season 3 that he was overly eager to work with Horatio? And now they have him betraying him?
Miami: Speedle's death. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of Eric/Calleigh either... i loved Calleigh/Jake, I wish she hadn't refused him.

NY: DANNY/LINDSAY! I wish Aiden had never left so they didn't have to bring in Lindsay! She irritates me so so much!! Danny/Aiden worked so well together! The season 5 finale, man I HATED it!

LV: Grissom leaving, I can't stand the new guy! Grissom not getting together with Lady Catherine.

I could rant all day about things I wish NY hadn't done but I'll spare you it!! :lol:
LV: Grissom leaving, I can't stand the new guy! Grissom not getting together with Lady Catherine.

Yeah. I really wish that Grissom hadn't screwed things up with Lady Heather in Season 3. It really would have been awesome to see. She could read him so well, and I think that bothered him. It would have been really cool to see what they could have done with that. Alas....
Vegas: Grissom leaving, the whole season 8 premiere (anti-climactic much), Gregs lack of screentime.

NY: Killing off Angel, the whole existence of Lindsay (Danny was a much more interesting character before her, at least they still have some good Danny/Flack scenes), the way they split up Mac and Peyton.

Miami: Obsession with only giving Ryan storylines about him screwing up somehow, killing off Speedle the way they did, the whole Marisol ordeal and most of all RYANS HIDEOUS MATCHING SHIRT AND TIES!!!!!
In New York...

- Lindsay's pregnancy. But then, I don't like DL so I'm biased. ;)

- Danny and Rikky. I wish the writers do not start a storyline if they don't want to (or don't think they will) finish it.

- Peyton's dear john note, and Mac was on the stage and playing guitar after he read it, and Stella was smiling like a cat swallowed the canary. :rolleyes:

- the Cabby killer case. It went up like a rocket and came down like a stick.

I just love everything about Miami. :lol:
~Killing off Angell
~~Even worse, killing her off without giving her any screentime in the final episode of a plotline she was a major part of.
~Over-emphasizing Langston's role.
~Not giving Riley much/any character development in favor of Ray.
~Vanishing Kendall with no explanation.
~Vanishing Sophia with no explanation.
~The way they broke up Mac/Peyton.
~Everything that went into CSI:NY's Black Hole of Continuity.