What's on their answering machines....?

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Sara: Hey, this is Sara. Can't come to the phone right now. I'm venting to Grissom about another childhood nightmare.
Hi, you've reached Sara. I'm busy tryin' to fix this mess I call a life right now, but leave a message, and when I put myself back together, I'll call you.

Warrick: Hey, this is Warrick. Tina and I are startin' World War III here, so call back later.

Grissom: I'm training my roaches for the next race, so I'm unavailable right now, but I'll get back to you soon.

Doc Robbins: Hey, this is Al Robbins. Can't come to the phone right now. I'm elbow-deep in a decedent's body cavity. Call back later.

Nick: Hey, all. I'm kinda, um, buried at the moment.

Greg: I'm busy tryin' to get Sara's attention right now. I'll get back to you.
Brass: Hey, this is Brass. If you have info on a recent case, press 1. If you wanna confess, press 2. To leave a non-incriminating message, wait for the- (Beep)
Grissom: "You have reached Gil Grissom. I can't get to the phone. If this is concerning an exotic bug delivery please call 911 immediatly, anyone else please leave a message."
toomuchovertime Please do not use just a smilie to make a statement, please keep with the flow of the topic, other wise its spamming which in part states:
making posts that have no real content or relevance to what is being discussed.
Thank you. :)
Brass: Hi, this is Jim Brass. In case you haven't heard the latest news, I'm still in the hospital recovering from some psycho shooting me. If you really want to talk to me, come on over to my hospital room. If it's about work, call Grissom. If it's Ellie, you know where I am.
Lady Heather: You're reached Lady Heather's Dominion. I'm making someone beg at my feet right now, I'll get back to you. If you've been a bad boy, though, I'll have to come and spank you. Grissom, if this is you, skip the call and just come over...please? I know you're with Sara right now but I can still give you a nice <beep>
Ecklie: "This is Conrad Ecklie. I'm busy trying to make Grissom's life miserable. If you're the mayor or a very important politian, please leave a message at the "beep". If you're not one of those, don't bother, I won't call you back." BEEP!!!

Grissom: "Hi, this is Gil Grissom. I'm not here to answer your call right now, so leave a message at the "beep" and I'll call you back. And if it you, Conrad, don't bother leaving one. I'll continue to ignore you." BEEP!
lol...I also bet it'd say "The same goes for you, Culpepper! When I want you updated, I'll call you!"
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