What scares you the most in life?

Spiders and a fear of rejection. My fear of rejection isn't as bad as it use to be my self esteem hasn't gotten mych better since high school. But spiders, I can't look at them at tv, ewww.
My fear became a reality.....losing someone that was really close to me, my sister...to cancer. But by overcoming that fear and not by choice, I realized that life is to short for petty conflicts, delimmas etc.
Well, I have a couple things that terrify me. But the thing that terrifies me the most is losing my baby sister (who's actually 13, but she's always been my baby sister) I would seriously, not be here today if it wasn't for her.

Another two things that scare me are dolls and clowns...and of course clown dolls make me cry. They're all blah and creepy!
Truthfully? I'm afraid of growing up... there, I said it :p I know it has to happen one day but you don't realize how fast life moves until it's time for you to take on your own responsibilites. I have these mommy instincts over my baby cousin and I'm not treated like a little girl anymore (for the most part :p). It's sort of a slap in the face.
I think I fear not doing what I want to do with my life the most, then I fear regretting something later. I also fear anything happening to my family and friends. But I can't let fear get to me or I'll never live.
Fear of not meeting another man that I can truly love. I was married for 3 years and divorced for 4 years. Sure I have been on dates but it never panned out.

And the fact that I'm 29 doesn't ease the fear either. :(
Clowns terrify me. Dolls terrify me. i hate spiders and the fear of being kidnapped or home invasion. I'm deathly afraid that my parents will die in a carcrash or my brother and sister will be killed, or i will lose my friends. So i guess im just scared of losing the ones that i love.
Spiders & water :)

I don't have a problem with swimming etc, but going under without something to hold onto not my thing ^^

And I used to be afraid of heights but I got over that one.
Thanks, for the kind words,but it's ok! and my family and I are doing ok...and that's the main thing now... :) Peace out!
Well I wouldn't mind dying so much, but I'm scared of dying without having done what i want to do, without fulfilling my dreams. Oh, and without completing one term of school where I hand in EVERY bit of homework on time (I now have three detentions - argh).
Mmm, and I guess, never knowing that i can trust my friends completely. That can be scary. It's hard to explain...
And I fear failure - not minor failures, but total and utter failure of the kind which puts me in the path of a speeding train or a very angry teacher. I can't tell which is worse...
Oh, and not knowing what's gonna hit me next. Which became awful when I went paintballing cuz that hurts.
And when I'm lying in bed trying to get to sleep at night, my thoughts lead eventually to death and infinity, and if I think too hard about it I get really panicky. So I just forget that death is gonna happen and live my life.
And I used to think my schooldays would last forever. Now I realise no. And it scares me that i will actually have to eventually get my own (or shared, but whatever) house and leave my family. This year has been so fast it's really put into perspective how little free time I have left.
I'm scared of a lot, in short. I cease and desist.
Over and out.