What kind of cell phone do you have??

I don't mind that there's no alarm clock because cell phone alarms never wake me up anyway. :lol: But I would like it to have bluetooth and more downloads. But are there many handhelds/pdas that have downloads that are much better? I thought about a Blackberry next, but I kinda decided against it and decided on the Treo 650. That phone rocks. It has everything you can imagine and it's only $400. I thought it'd be more than that. You should check it out.

:lol: Only $400. ahahah I wish I have that money for a cellphone (I'm poor college student :D ). I will rather put the $400 on my car, for a new 18" rims :devil:

It's a nice cellphone. I would WANT to have one ;)Maybe someday.
you paid $400 for a cell phone? :eek: I get mine for free :p :D (my Mum & Dad get free upgrades every year & then me & my brother get their old 1s :)

my friend just gave me her old phone a little while ago so now I have 2 - but I don't use 1 of them (its too expensive)
:lol: I wouldn't pay $400 for a regular cell phone but for a PDA/handheld type cellphone I'll pay that much. Especially when it rocks like the Treo. I think my Sidekick was $300 and totally worth it. I guess it just depends on how many features you need on your phone. If I just needed a phone and that was it, I would get a regular flip for free or for $100 or so. But I totally use everything on my Sidekick and would use all the features on a Treo so it would be worth it.

I think the Treo will be my next phone. They are pretty cool.
I have sony erricson k700i. Pics here. It's a great phone. Pics and sounds are nice. It also has a radio which is good when I get bored with my mp3's. hehehe.

I'm eyeing k750i though, as well as W800i.
awesomeredhead : If I landed a job, I'll proabaly get Treo 650. Do you know what cellphone company carries Treo 650? You making me want one,heh!

megbing: those are sweet looking camera. I like the W800i the best.
awesomeredhead : If I landed a job, I'll proabaly get Treo 650. Do you know what cellphone company carries Treo 650? You making me want one,heh!

megbing: those are sweet looking camera. I like the W800i the best.

*thinking* I know Cingular, Verizon, and Sprint. Those are the 3 that I know of. T-Mobile is carrying them right now but I don't think they are going to carry them for much longer. Don't know why though.
i have a crappy nokia cell. It like the oldest one made by nokia! omg it a stupid hand me down thing, cant wait to get a flip phone.