what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

"Playing with fire"
Griss & Sara
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

I really don't know episodes but i luv the LV one with the dry ice an exploding toilet hehe..Of CORSE my fav character is greggy in LV an Wolf in Miami...dno 4 NY....Gota luv the geeks!! :) :p
I love all epi that have Sara and Warrick working together. And my favorite character are Sara and Warrick.

My favourite CSI is Grissom...but I do like them all...I genuially don't dislike any of the characters.

Anyway I watched a season 4 episode today (I love Spike tv) and it was called...'butterflied' I think, the one where Grissom keeps seeing Sarah at the crime scene...the end scene with Grissom making that speech and Sarah looking through the glass is so sad...like grissom knows he could have something Sarah and admitting it.

I enjoy any episode that involves all of them together. there's a great season one episode with all of them on the plane...great stuff...and also the one with Dakota Fanning and Sarah makes that joke about leaving the girl in the car with the windows cracked... :lol:funny in a really strange way...I love Sarah too.
My favorite character is Nick but as for the favorite episode I'm not sure. I like a whole bunch but not just one particular one above the rest ya know?
My favorite episode (at the moment) is Jackpot- season 4- cause there's so much grissom in it:), and because It looks like newfoundland (somewhat). But if I did see Grave Danger( which I MISSED!!!), it would probably be my fave. by the way, does anybody know if theres a re-run of Grave Danger coming on any time soon? Oh, and my fave charaters are Grissom <3, followed by Sara.
ooo 'jackpot' is a good one!

'Stalker' is a great episode but it scared the crap out of me...never watch that one at 2:00am :eek:
My favorite CSI characters (I can't pick just one) are Grissom and Greg, and my favorite episodes are Jackpot and Play With Fire, although I (just like pretty much everyone else) liked Grave Danger a lot. :)
Okay guys whats the ep called where theres a serial killer, he turns out to be this comic book artist that rapes and kills college girls... that was the best epsiode . Lots of mystery and the way the guy ends up killin himself in the bathroom! oh momma!!
I think its What's Eating Gilbert Grissom from Season 5.

My favorite are the Paul Millander episodes, The Finger, Stalker and Grave Danger. Funny episodes: Fur and Loathing and King Baby. Fave characters: Greg and Catherine
Are you sure thats it?
Stalker is amazing - is King Baby the one with that rich casino owner that secretly thinks hes a baby and ends up dead on his staircase naked? i dont know the names of the eps!