What is your favourite anime?

Arturtle said:
bleach :D

I love Bleach. I borrowed it from a friend and got hooked!

As for others, I like Naruto and Fruits Basket. I just recently got into anime, so I haven't had time to read that many.
Favorite anime characters? Boy, I have so many, this could take a while :lol:

Sango from Inuyasha -- she was so tough and strong and sexy and I just loved her :p She had a great storyline too. Demon-slayer looking for revenge for her fallen comrades? Don't even get me started :rolleyes:

From One Piece, I loved Nami because of the whole pirate-thief thing and I loved her past plotline.

Rave Master would be Elie -- she's just so lovable and has one of the coolest storylines if not the coolest in the series :D

Wolf's Rain -- Blue and Kiba. Kiba was just awesome and Blue stole the show for me :p

Cowboy Bebop was Edward, she was just hysterical and never ceased to make me laugh. And she was so smart, too! Computer-hacking skills come in handy in the future :p

Naruto -- Neji, Hinata, Kiba and Sasuke rocked my socks.

Gravitation -- Shuichi of course! He was the most adorable little guy on the face of the earth!

Furuba (Fruits Basket) for me, my favorite was Kyo. He was such a great character! And you can relate to him in many ways, being the outcast in his family. He had a fantastic storyline and a nice secret soft side to him you rarely got to see :p

But as for all-time favorite I'd probably have to say Sango :p She's my girl :D
oh :lol: fave anime character? this is gonna take a while :p

-detective conan/case closed= Ran and Shinichi of course :D
-fushigi yuugi/Curious Play= Tamahome/Hotohori/Nakago/Tomo
-kare kano/his and her circumstances= Maho Izawa
-Naruto= Tsunade 'Godaime'/Temari
-Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X= Sanosuke Sagara/Megumi Takani
-Pokemon= Misty Waterflower

I really can't pick just ONE. :p
My best friend first introduced me to anime/manga and now I'm kinda addicted to the stuff.

My favs are:

Fullmetal Alchemist
Wolf's Rain
I just finished reading the whole Naruto manga and I watched the show ... man it got me addicted . So , is there anyone who likes Naruto too ?
I don't watch or read that much manga or anime. I have a friend who does and I decided to write her a fan fiction for her birthday, so I had to do some research...Needless to say, I was hooked. :D

The show is Ouran High School Host Club. I just love it. It is sooo darn pretty! And rather...addictive and strange. And it has done some really bad things with my mind. Like shipping Hikaru/Kaoru...i. e twincest.*hides* It has also turned me into an obsessive slasher.

I also watched some episodes of Gravitaton, and I loved it. I want to check out Death Note, too. But I am a sucker for the more comedian mangas, so Death Note is probably a litte bit to...dark for me.
jeez i have a whole collection of animes! i recently started watching Vampire Knight! check it out it's pretty cool.
anyway here are the ones i own:
Fruits Basket, Peacemaker Kurogane, Samurai Champloo, Samurai X, Chrono Crusade, Devil May Cry, Desendants of Darkness, Saikano, and Heat Guy J.

have any of you seen these?
Well, I used to be obsessed with Sailor Moon, still watch it sometimes.

I liked Hellsing and I do like some films. Other than that I'm not really familiar with a lot of animes although I really like some of them.

Oh, just remembered, I saw parts of X and thought it was great, as well as Angel Sanctuary. Oh, and Noir, loved that one, even taped it.
A few months ago I discovered Strawberry Panic and Loveless, both great animes and now I'm thinking of trying out Death Note after I've read so many positive things about it.

At first I was a bit put off with Loveless. After all Ritsuka is only 12 (well, German translators want to make us believe he's 14 :shifty:) and I was a bit weirded out. But after a few months I tried it again and watched the anime. I fell in love with it. The drawings are amazing and the story is really intriguing. I've also bought the mangas and I'm rather sad that the anime ended after only 13 episodes.

Strawberry Panic
was just too cute. I just wished I could get my hands on the DVDs but they're only available in the US so far :(

At the moment I'm watching Wolf's Rain. A very interesting and somewhat different story.
I actually don't like pretty much any anime, but I have an exception: I'm rather fond of Cowboy Bebop. Actually, I got rather misty-eyed at the end. I won't say exactly what happened since I'm sure not everyone here has seen the series, but... I will say that I don't often get emotional over cartoons.

Gawd, Spike was awesome! Jet too. And that crazy little Ed, she was an anime kid that, surprisingly, didn't bug the everliving crap out of me.

I never got into the Spike/Julie love story, though. I know that's how it was, that she was his one and only, that he pined for her, that he thought she betrayed him, and that this assumption lead him to adopt his fatalist outlook on life... but honestly, I found his storyline in the movie with the cop chick to be much more interesting.

Anyway, that's about it.
^i think i saw the movie with a friend of mine. i thought it was cool too. i still ahve to watch the series though.

another anime for me that i just got into is...HELLSING! i think Alucard is sooo awesome!!
I LOVE your avatar, luvspeed!!! Oooooh I'm gonna miss the 10th Doctor something fierce. I already miss him! Ya know, my first desktop image on this computer was David Tennant. :D

I haven't seen much of Hellsing and I can't say that I was fond of many of the characters that I did see, but Alucard was pretty cool, it's true.
Ah, yes, Hellsing ... I also loved Alucard from the beginning. He is rather cool, isn't he ;)?

So, I finally started with Death Note. I've never seen anything like it. Watching it makes me feel sick, yet I can't stop it. Light is such a disgusting person that you want nothing more than for the police to finally catch him. That's one thing, I like about this anime. You're not supposed to feel any connection or even sympathy towards Light and how could you? I mean, in the very first episode the viewer is supposed to face his/her own thoughts towards the idea of killing all the bad people in the world. And you really start to think about the concept. But just a few minutes later you realize that Light is only perverting the idea. He's really insane! Well, I can't really express that well what I'm thinking.

I've only seen about eight episode so far and I'm more than intrigued to find out more.

So, anyone here, who has watched Death Note, too? I'd love to hear your opinion
I LOVE your avatar, luvspeed!!! Oooooh I'm gonna miss the 10th Doctor something fierce. I already miss him! Ya know, my first desktop image on this computer was David Tennant. :D

I haven't seen much of Hellsing and I can't say that I was fond of many of the characters that I did see, but Alucard was pretty cool, it's true.

why thanks you! i really am going to miss 10th Doctor when he leaves.:( thats just how it goes i guess. anyway, i had this weird thing about Hellsing where i didn't want to like it when my friends were watching it. but then i was bored one day and watched the entire thing online. LOVE IT!!:luvlove:

as for Death Note i kinda have that same attitude again, but so far i've heard nothing but good things. so i guess i'll have to give it a shot soon.:D