What is your favorite CSI character?

I have to say, I don't really have a favourite character - to me, they all have their own merits, they all have their own specialities in the lab etc.

(But if I had to choose - Danny/Flack: NY, Eric: Miami, and a toss up between Greg/Nick/Warrick and Grissom for LV) :D
CSI LV: Catherine
CSI Miami: Horatio
CSI NY: Don't watch that much.

I also like Grissom and Calleigh
All time fave: HORATIO!!

Wow, lotsa people like Sara...
I can't belive he get's Attacked by that looney Stalker, First Thrown outta a window.. Then! Held at gun point where, Nick shows his true emotions.
My favorite character is definitely the awesome and handsome Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda), followed closely by Grissom and Sara. I fell in love with Greg since the first episode and has been my favorite since.
very hard question i like everyone but here are my favorites

csi- sara or sophia cant decide between them
csi miami- calleigh
csi ny- lindsay (it was Aiden :( )
Hard, because I don't watch LV or NY (although I've seen them and I liked Greg and Mac the most from what I saw) and I absolutely LOVE everyone on Miami but I have to go with H all the way because he seems so real, so lovable, and so protecting, honest, caring, sensitive, strong, smart, ahhh the list goes on. :D
LV - Grissom
Miami - Speed and after he die, Calleigh
NY - Flack and if Flack doesn't count since he's not a CSI, then Stella