What If ? (H/Y fic)

Ah I haven't been here in forever! It's getting steamy! *opens windows* First off, I love how you introduced them to each other, I loved how Horatio is so Old-Horatio ish, I love how you really nailed the characters and all their actions are justified and believable. What can I say, you're amazing! *drags out golf clubs* Gah, Stetler...but H/Y love, shower and pancakes? Perfect weekend. Thanks Hrockz, as always, keep up the wonderful work!
Ah you guys are all great. I love the crazy task force.
Thanks, and I'd love if you could get me the job at tptb :lol:

cainesugar haven't seen you in awhile. Good to have you back.

With the suspect in lockup and her paperwork filed, Yelina's shift was over. She was looking forward to the evening which, for the past week or two had been spent in the same manner. Dinner followed by passionate love-making at one of their apartments. Neither Yelina nor Horatio seemed to tire of their new routine.

As Yelina exited MDPD she looked to the usual spot where Horatio would wait for her. The bright sunlight made her squint her eyes. She had to look twice to believe what she was seeing.

Her new boyfriend was in the arms of another woman. He was embracing a blonde not far from where his car was parked. She hoped it was a victim's spouse who needed comforting. She knew Horatio wouldn't be stupid enough to try cheat on her at the MDPD parking lot. Afterall everyone knew they were a couple.

Horatio saw her approaching and quickly broke the hug with the blonde.

"Hey." He greeted her sheepishly.

Yelina raised her eyebrows at him.

He shifted his weight uncomfortably between his feet. He attempted to introdude the woman next to him. "Claire McKay. This is Det Yelina Salas."

The blonde held out her hand and Yelina shook it. Horatio continued. "Claire's an old friend from New York."

The blonde smiled. "Come on Horatio, we were more than friends. H and I used to see each other back in New York."

Horatio cleared his throat. "Umm.. yeah."

Yelina forced a smile, a tinge of jealousy tugging at her heart.

"So, I'll wait in the car." Claire said. Yelina watched as Claire got into the passenger seat of Horatio's car, the seat which Yelina should have got into. The tinge of jealousy grew into a full blown fire fanned by anger.

"Ex-girlfriend?" she asked.

Horatio bowed his head. "Er, yeah. I had no idea she was coming."

"Why'd you guys break up?" Yelina asked, her tone changing to that she used to question suspects.

"Um, things weren't working out." Horatio wished the ground would open up and swollow him.

Yelina rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, that's usually why people break up."

"Our relationship wasn't going anywhere. She felt more strongly for me than I did for her. I was coming to Miami, there was no point in continuing a long-distance relationship."

Yelina processed the information. She had met Horatio a few days after his arrival in Miami. Was she just a replacement for a woman he had just broke up with? Was she dating someone who was on the rebound?

"So I guess that means you're cancelling our dinner tonight."

"I'm sorry. She's flying back day after tomorrow, and she wanted me to show her around." Horatio explained.

Yelina avoided his eyes. She sighed. "That's ok. I had some paperwork to finish." She lied.

"Ok. Thank you." Horatio said. "I'll call you." He detected her anger but he knew he couldn't address the issue now.

Yelina said nothing simply nodded. She watched as Horatio got in the car with Claire. The pang of jealousy knawed at her as she watched them exchange smiles. She tried a futile attempt at convincing herself there was nothing going on between Horatio and his ex-girlfriend as she watched them drive away.
Jealousy, Yelina? Wow so they've got a wonderful routine down :devil: I like that. Damn Claire had to ruin it, didn't she? I love Yelina jealous on the show too, shows how much she luurrvves Horatio. Thanks Hrockz! :)
Jealous Yelina has returned! :lol:

I think we need to go after Claire now... anyone with me? *pulls out golf clubs again* :devil:

Love the update! :D
HoratioandYelina said:
Jealous Yelina has returned! :lol:

I think we need to go after Claire now... anyone with me? *pulls out golf clubs again* :devil:

Sssttt you were supposed to keep that a secret.. people might start to think we are serial killers :(

Oh no! You'd better set this Claire-person up with Stetler or I don't know what will happen to her. I just know she won't enjoy it! Muahahahah :devil:
Interesting developement though. I'll be watching carefully for your next update. (As if I wouldn't be doing that anyway...) ;)
Sssttt you were supposed to keep that a secret.. people might start to think we are serial killers
Ok. We need undercover names. HoratioandYelina you could be 'Honey' (H'n'y, it kind of sounds like honey, doesn't it?), Tati you could be 'Kitten' and I'll be 'Loony'. Hrockz since you're (apparently?) not a psychotic hit man I haven't given you an alias... ;)
*going undercover as bazooka carrying, gun-toting, grenade tossing lunatic 'Loony'* :cool: Be afraid. Be very afraid! :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:
The crazy-ass task force is back :lol:
You guys are really funny.
Don't worry H's one and only is Y. As you'll see:

In the time that Horatio had been in Miami, Ray and Yelina had showed him around enough for him to know where all the tourists spots were. He took Claire to those same spots. He found that he still enjoyed her company, but the feeling wasn’t the same as he felt with Yelina. He dutifully made small talk but he knew things were no longer the same as when they were dating.

The night ended with her inviting him to her hotel room. Something he did against his better judgment but he didn’t have the heart to turn her down.

“Thanks for showing me around,” Claire said offering Horatio a drink. They stood at the balcony of her hotel room, enjoying the night view of the city of Miami.

Horatio took a few sips of the drink Claire had offered, mindful that he would have to drive home later. “My pleasure.” He replied.

“Horatio, do you know why I came to Miami?” she asked as she stood next to him.

“I wouldn’t say I know for sure.” Horatio thought he could guess but he didn’t want to say it.

“I was hoping... maybe, just maybe we’d have another chance at being together again.” She said confirming his suspicion.

“That’s not possible.” Horatio said, turning to look at her.

“Look, we had our differences, but while you were gone, I realized I needed you more than anything.” She said.

“I’m sorry Claire,” Horatio said apologetically. He tried to find the right words to cushion what he really wanted to say. “You’re a nice person, and I like you...”

Claire laughed. “But only as a friend. That’s the worse thing a man can say to a woman. I suppose you’re going to add that it’s you and not me.”

Horatio shifted his weight uncomfortably. “I was going to say… that I’m in love with someone else.”

“It’s that Hispanic detective isn’t it? I could tell, the way you two were looking at each other.”

Horatio nodded. He suddenly realized he hadn’t even told Yelina before that he was in love with her. Lost in his thoughts, he was caught off guard when Claire leaned towards him in an attempt to kiss him. He managed to turn his head in time.

“I err…” Horatio stepped back from Claire. “We broke up in New York. Let’s leave it at that shall we?”

Claire sighed. “Just leave ok?”

Horatio nodded, happy to make a hasty retreat, he left her room and the hotel. As he got into his car, Horatio dialled Yelina’s number. There was no answer. He tried her cell. Twice. Yelina didn’t pick up. He decided he wanted to see her and took the road to her apartment.

He stood outside Yelina's door. He had rang the doorbell twice but the door didn’t open. He began to worry that something had happened to her. Perhaps he should go back to PD to check. As he turned to leave he heard the door open behind him. Turning he saw Yelina standing with the door slightly ajar, not enough for him to enter.

“You sure are persistent.” She said.

Horatio offered a sheepish smile. “I was worried something had happened… you didn’t answer my calls.”

“Did it occur to you that I didn’t want to?” she said, sounding angry.

“Ummm.. yeah.” Horatio hated that she had that effect on him. She could make him feel like a guilty suspect. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not happy with me taking Claire out and canceling our dinner…. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”

Yelina decided that he seemed sincere enough. Perhaps there was really nothing to be jealous about. That was before she spotted the lipstick mark on Horatio’s shirt collar. She rolled her eyes and gave him a bitter smile.

“You’re a cop. One would think you’d be smart enough to hide the evidence.”

“What?” Horatio asked, not following.

“The lipstick mark on your collar. You didn’t think I’d notice? You should at least have the decency to go home and get changed before coming here for more sex.” Yelina said unable to hide her anger anymore. She fought the tears of betrayal that threatened to fall.

“Yelina,” Horatio began, “I didn’t do anything with Claire. She tried to come on to me. That’s probably how the lipstick got onto my shirt.” He hadn’t even noticed it was there.

“One would also think you’d come up with a better excuse. Is that alcohol I smell?” Yelina said raising her voice.

“Yeah, she offered me a drink, I took a sip.” Horatio explained.

“And I suppose you’re going to say you did her in a drunken stupor, mistaking her for me.”

Horatio shook his head and told himself to remain calm. He couldn’t believe she would doubt him. “Yelina, please. Be logical here – “

“So I’m being illogical now huh?” Yelina seethed with anger. “Just leave Horatio. I don’t even know why you bothered coming here.” She slammed the door shut in Horatio’s face.

He stood there stunned for a moment. That was the second time that night a woman asked him to leave. The second time hurt more than he expected. He considered knocking on her door again, but he knew better. He shook his head again and slowly made his way to his car.
Aww poor Horatio! *huggles* Poor Yelina! *huggles* Please, Hrockz, I love angst and all but come on... *begs*

Ok. We need undercover names. HoratioandYelina you could be 'Honey' (H'n'y, it kind of sounds like honey, doesn't it?), Tati you could be 'Kitten' and I'll be 'Loony'. Hrockz since you're (apparently?) not a psychotic hit man I haven't given you an alias...
*going undercover as bazooka carrying, gun-toting, grenade tossing lunatic 'Loony'* Be afraid. Be very afraid!

:lol: Okay I need a name. *grabs bazookas and golf clubs* I'm joining the force! *raises golf club*
Aww, Hrockz! *pouts* Poor H, and Y too! Still, their first fight, that means that there'll be fabulous make up sex. Right? ;)

cainesugar said: Okay I need a name.
Ok, hmmm how about 'Caddy'? (Since you seem so fond of golf clubs) ;)