What If ? (H/Y fic)

Lunalove said:
What? *spoken in a rusty Italian mafia accent with accompanying shoulder shrug* :lol:

You're not fooling anyone with that ;)

Don't think they'll ever let them get it on @ the show.. too bad uh? But I do demand make out sessions.. a lot of them.. almost constantly.. :devil:

As long as we have Hrockz' fic I think us H/Y fans will be just fine..
As long as we have Hrockz' fic I think us H/Y fans will be just fine..
Thanks again. But I think I'd rather watch them make out or have some inference to it on the show. You know kinda like in CSI:NY when we see Mac with Peyton and that bedroom scene, where Mac's shirt is taken off. Man! I'd love to see half-naked H.

Sorry I digress, back to our current story:

It had been a routine assignment. Yelina and her partner Jeff were questioning a suspect from the murder they were working on. What happened from then wasn’t routine. The suspect pulled out a gun and a gunfight ensued. At the end of it Yelina had shot the suspect dead, but not before he had managed to shoot her partner Jeff in the chest.

Sitting at the hospital emergency room, she felt upset and angry with herself. It wasn’t the first time a suspect had opened fired on her, but it was the first time someone close to her had been shot. Now she wasn’t sure what to tell Jeff’s wife except to offer a hug and tell her how sorry she was. The emergency room physician had assured Jeff’s wife and Yelina that Jeff was going to make it, but he would be out of action for awhile.

Relieved somewhat her partner was going to be ok, Yelina returned to PD. She wanted the day to be over already. She hadn’t arranged to meet Horatio after work that day, and all she had in mind was home and a warm bath. She hardly had the time to clear her thoughts when a dark haired man approached her desk.

“Det Salas?” he asked.

“Yes.” She replied.

The man flashed his badge and gave her his card. “Rick Stetler, IAB. I need to talk to you about this morning’s shooting involving your partner.”

“Sure.” Yelina replied. She had expected IAB to come knocking on her door.

He led her to an empty interrogation room. She sat down and he placed a tape recorder on the tape.

“Why don’t we start with what happened.” The IAB agent asked.

“Jeff and I were questioning the suspect. Suspect pulled a gun on us and opened fire. He shot Jeff, I returned fire and the suspect was killed.”

“May I see your service weapon?” Rick asked.

Yelina handed him her gun.

He removed the magazine. “You have to understand I have to check that there wasn’t any negligence or fault on our part.”

“I understand.” Yelina replied.

Satisfied, Rick handed the gun back to Yelina. “Well, detective, I think that concludes our business.”

Yelina got up to leave. Rick stood up, holding the door open for her to exit the room. “It’s been a tough day for you. You might want to talk to someone about it. If you like, we can go out for some drinks after work?”

“No thanks.” Yelina replied. If she wanted to talk to anyone, she knew who that would be and it wasn’t the IAB agent standing next to her.

"Just offering to help." Rick said unconvinced.

"No thanks," Yelina repeated herself. "My shift's over, I'd like to get home now."

The day finally ended and Yelina was glad to be home. She ran herself a hot bath and got in, running the day’s events through her head. The scene replayed itself in her mind and she wished she had noticed that the suspect was armed. Perhaps Jeff wouldn’t have been shot. She heard her doorbell ring. She wasn’t expecting anyone. She hurriedly dried and dressed herself. She wondered who it could be.

;) Stetler's back, how can I leave him out of my H/Y fics?
More soon.
NOOOOOO! Bloody Stetler! Or he will be once we're done with him! :devil: Ahh, it's actually nice to have him around to vent! :D
Great update, poor Jeff who ever he is... :lol:
No Y, don't get dressed. :devil: ;)
What ? Stetler?! NOOO!!!! *takes out nailgun, booby traps, bazooka* "Do you feel lucky punk, well do ya?"


*jumps over fence*

"aaaaaaaah, landed in poison ivy!"

Sorry, I should really should stop coming to this forum, it has a bad influence on me..

Not rly , i've always been this mad..

GREAT update!!!
Stetler hmm? * pulls golf club out from behind back* That's alright :D, that old task force can deal with him :devil:

Love the update * takes practice swing* Bring it on Stetler! :lol:
Lunalove and HnY I love your avas. Nice job with the 'Mini H' icon you made Tati.

Opening the door she saw Horatio standing in front of her looking a little sheepish.

“I’m sorry to turn up uninvited,” Horatio started, offering her a smile. “I heard you had a tough day…. I was wondering, if you’d like some company.”

“News travels fast.” Yelina replied. “I’d thought I’d like to be alone, but… I wouldn’t mind your company.” She let Horatio in.

They sat on the couch. “You ok?” he asked, concerned.

“Yeah, I wasn’t hurt.” She replied.

“No, I meant are you ok?”

“I’m fine,” Yelina replied bowing her head and avoiding his eyes.

Horatio scooted over so that he was now sitting close to her. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his kness. He gently took her hand in his and looked up at her. “You don’t have to be so brave.”

Yelina gave him a half smile. “But I have to. Being a cop is not easy… being a female cop is even harder.”

“I don’t doubt your abilities as a cop. You’re a better cop than some guys I know.”

Yelina smiled. “You know why I joined the force?”

“Tell me.” Horatio said giving her hand a squeeze.

Yelina looked out the window. “We weren’t exactly well off. I grew up in a rough neighborhood. There were kids joining gangs, doing drugs, getting killed. I didn’t want to be like them. I wanted to help people, keep them safe. Today I don’t think I did that.”

“Yelina, you didn’t fail your partner.”

“Maybe if I was more observant, I’d have noticed the suspect had a gun, or if – “

“Sweetheart, don’t.” He had such tenderness in his voice. Yelina was touched by his concern.

He continued. “It’s not your fault. These things happen. We, should know that more than anyone else.”

Yelina sighed. “I guess you’re right.”

“I usually am.” He said playfully. He pulled her to him for a hug.

Horatio was surprised when she lifted her head and kissed him. Their kiss grew more passionate and he was even more surprised when she pushed him down onto the couch. Laying on top of him, her still damp hair brushed his face. Their kiss burned with passion and urgency. Yelina slipped a hand under his shirt, as he raked her hair. Her hand moved to undo the buckle of his pants. Horatio gently pushed her off him, and they both sat up on the couch again.

“We shouldn’t do this… not now. You’re… in a very vulnerable place right now.” He explained his actions. “I don’t want to take advantage of the situation. I care for you too much to let you do something you might regret.”

Yelina smiled to herself. She wanted to tell him that she wouldn’t regret sleeping with him but she knew that what he said was right.

Horatio continued to try to explain himself. “It's not that I don't want you, I really do but, uhhh….”

Yelina laughed. “ I know you want me. I felt you when I was on top of you.”

Horatio bowed his head and blushed.

“I think guys like you are a rarity these days.” Yelina touched his cheek.

Horatio gave her kiss on the lips. He took her hand. “Come on, let me take you to dinner.”
RedHot said: I need air... I need air...
You and me both! :eek: I think I may have sprained something in my eye. I couldn't read fast enough!!! :lol: OMFG that was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! More of this, please! :devil: Eat your heart out, Stetler! HAHAHAHA!

HnY That is the best ava! It totally cracks me up everytime I look at it! :lol:
Lord have mercy! I can't breath! Man if that would happen for real on the show, NICEEEEEEEEEE

Thx for the update!
If you guys are out of breath reading the previous update, I'm not sure how'd you'll react to this one... :p

It had been a month since Horatio and Yelina had started seeing each other. Horatio had transitioned nicely into bomb squad but his busy schedule kept him from seeing Yelina as much as he would have wanted to. He finally got a weekend off and he invited her to his new apartment like he had promised he would.

“You’ve got yourself a nice place here,” Yelina commented as Horatio showed her around. The way he kept his apartment confirmed Yelina’s opinion of him, that he was a neat person who paid attention to detail.

“Thanks. I finally had the time to finish unpacking and get my things organized.” He said.

He had prepared a simple pasta dinner for them.

“My cooking’s not on par to yours.” He said shyly after dinner was over.

“It isn’t that bad.” Yelina laughed. “You cook a decent meal.”

“Thanks, why don’t you go watch some TV while I clean up.” He said rising from his seat.

“No, I’ll help,” Yelina said.

They stood side by side at the sink, Horatio washing and Yelina drying.

He playfully splashed some water on her. She responded with a glare to which he laughed. “I’m not really in the mood for doing the dishes.” He admitted.

“Then what are you in the mood for?” she smiled coyly.

“Let me show you.” He put his arms around her waist and kissed her. Their lips parted and their tongues explored.

Soon they were all over each other, their hands touching, feeling, caressing each others’ body. Slowly items of clothing got discarded and made their way to Horatio’s bedroom

Completely undressed in each others’ arms, Horatio whispered into her ear, “You look amazing.”

Yelina smiled into his neck. “You're don't look too bad yourself.”

He scooped her up in his arms and layed her down gently on his bed. His lips gently brushed her neck, and she gasped in pleasure as he slowly entered her. They spent the night making love to each other.


Morning arrived and Horatio woke to find Yelina no longer sleeping next to him. He heard her in the kitchen.

Sleepily he pulled on a pair of sweat pants. He made his way to the kitchen. Yelina was dressed only in one of his white shirts. He stood there admiring her legs for a moment. He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms round her waist.

"Pancakes." Horatio commented seeing what she was cooking. "I must have done something right last night."

She smiled. "You did."

Horatio brushed her hair aside, revealing her bare neck. He planted kisses from her neck down to her shoulder. She leaned into him, enjoying what he was doing.

"Want to join me in the shower?" He asked playfully.

"Hmmm... I'd like that." She replied. "After breakfast. Can't let all this go to waste."

Horatio laughed. "Breakfast and a shower with you, sounds like the perfect Sunday morning to me."
This fic should come with a health warning! I swear to god, I nearly stroke out :p

Beautiful, interesting, Love it ^^
*has fallen over, half dead* :eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow, Hrockz! That's it, when I recover I'm soooo gonna get you into TPTB!
Fantabulous update! ;)
The good old task force will probably be able to help with that... :devil:

Love the updates! I've been out all weekend, and just got back, so I love being able to read two updates! :lol: