What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

I wasn't talking about Adam at all... MY favorite characters (in case it isn't partially obvious my my name) are Natalia and Ryan. I also really enjoy Callie. I like Eric, but Eric and Calleigh's relationship isn't my fave. because it tends to take-over the show and therefore I don't get time for my fave's. --- When I said that I wasn't entirely caring that Eddie is gone, it was nothing for him personally, just that there were way too many chef's in the kitchen, and if someone had to go to make room, he would be the top of my list. ---

I;m entitle to my opinion, and that is it.
Delko, who I think it totally and completely played out and one of the most boring characters on television.
:scream: I know this is the wrong thread to highlight this comment, but it is a fact that refuses to be ignored by viewers and refuses to be acknowledged by TPTB.

I sort of concur. I think I want to like him, more than I actually like him.. Adam Roriguez is adorable. He's been with the show from day 1, him an Horatio have a cute relationship... but TPTB don't utilize him to his fullest potential

--- Additionally while season 8 saw more 'team' relationships... this had nothing to do with Eddie being on the show. This had to do with how the writers decided to write the scenes.
I think the character would have been more popular had it been scripted differently. But, paranoid as I may be, I've felt since day one that the whole purpose of casting Eddie Cibrian was to make Adam Rodriguez do a reality check. He's the actor TPTB really wanted but was attempting to branch out. You noticed how quickly he came running back...

This really made me angry: have any of you read the speculation on several major news sites that EC was dropped because of actions in his personal life? Say what??? :wtf: This is Hollywood! If alleged poor personal choices were the sole grounds for dropping actors there'd be no tv series or movies being made! Must have been a slow news day...
This really made me angry: have any of you read the speculation on several major news sites that EC was dropped because of actions in his personal life? Say what??? :wtf: This is Hollywood! If alleged poor personal choices were the sole grounds for dropping actors there'd be no tv series or movies being made!
Exactly! If I judged every actor/actress by the personal lives, the TV/movie world would be VERY boring to me, LOL.

I don't agree with your comment about Adam however. He was offered a better position at work (writing and directing) and took it. If I was offered a better role at work, I wouldn't pass it off. That's all I'm saying on this matter as this thread is about Eddie, not speculation regarding Adam.
Well, nobody should be that surprised at this the show really has only enough room to focus on a few characters. I think the main reason for bringing him on was to replace eric in some way but since Ar decision to rejoin the cast of csi miami it was only a matter of time that they would get rid of eddie. I always loved this actor loved him on the y&r and 3rd watch but they really didn't do much with him and he really never clicked the way they wanted him to with the fans.
Honestly this is what i think. Eddie was brought in when Adam decided to depart from the show for whatever reason some say because of money others say he wanted a change who knows. Not really the point the show must go on so they were left with a big space in the show they didn't feel for whatever reason the characters they had would be able to fill the void of Adam's departure so they found someone who they thought would boost there ratings and would be a fan fav. Since he has had popularity with many other shows but unfortunitly it didn't work in that way the fans didn't quite respond to Eddie as Jessie in the way they wanted and the ratings fell (which is what everything is based on) so either they went to Adam or Adam came back because he couldn't find what he wanted but whatever the case both sides came to a solution and Adam rejoined the cast with hopes the ratings would soar. This left the show with way to many high paid characters. They probably always thought adam would come back to they limited Eddies contract to one year so if they had to they could get out of it so at the end they had to go with who would bring in enough ratings and make them the most money. I think as soon as Adam decided to come back to csi miami they already knew they were going to not renew Eddie's contract it the only thing that made sense. Adam's return was the begining of the end for Jessies character that and the fact they haven't really used him much around the time Adam came back well you do the math.
Exactly! If I judged every actor/actress by the personal lives, the TV/movie world would be VERY boring to me, LOL.

Yep. I've read all the speculation. I'm not a huge fan of Eddie's, in that I haven't been following his career closely through the years, but I loved the fresh blood he brought to CSI Miami.

As a Caruso fan I learned a long time ago the viciousness of people with an agenda and what they can do with rumors, lies and malicious speculation. Eddie is finding out how truly mean people can be. It was never given a chance from the start. The moment some fans equated his addition to the show with Rodriguez' departure, he was doomed and the hatred was heaped on him in waves. He was NOT going to be given a chance.

And you're right. The movie/tv industry would come to a screeching halt if every actor/actress where given jobs based upon a squeeky clean private life.

It was the inclusion of Eddie and Omar's characters that FINALLY, after years of watching this team drift apart, gave us brief glimpes of unity. It spoke to a hope that we would finally see the team come together and begin to care for each other again.

Jesse's friendship and unconditional acceptance of Ryan was the thing endeared him to me most. And I felt that Jesse had story potential. If he had been given a chance, there were years of stories to tell with that character. And I DO think that he had a chemistry with the other team members. I would have liked to see them work on his relationship with Horatio. Horatio was the one he was supposed to have a history with and yet we hardly ever saw evidence of it. Strange. But then they really weren't given much of a chance. :scream:

I don't agree with your comment about Adam however. He was offered a better position at work (writing and directing) and took it. If I was offered a better role at work, I wouldn't pass it off. That's all I'm saying on this matter as this thread is about Eddie, not speculation regarding Adam.

I'm truly sorry that I can't agree with you here. :( I'm going to spare you my specific reasons (they are easy to find elsewhere), but I will say that I think that Rodriguez' return to the show is the worst thing that could have happened for its long term survival. And you're right - this is a thread for discussion about Eddie leaving - not about Rodriguez. ;)
but I will say that I think that Rodriguez' return to the show is the worst thing that could have happened for its long term survival.

To be perfectly honest I don't see the show passing seasons 10/11 due to the fact that the writers appear to be completely lazy. They just can't seem to be bothered. But actually... should I just be blaming the writers here? Each script has to be approved by CBS doesn't it? Didn't Emily once say that Miami "is the comic book version of the franchise"? Why should Miami be like this? The first 2/3 seasons certainly were not. Who's "bright idea" was it to turn Miami into a comic book? A lot of people appear to be "at fault" with the direction of the show.

I'm sad to see Eddie go, truly. Some nice scenes could have been played out during season 9. I'm hoping that he doesn't go to character heaven. He deserves to be played out for a good few episodes.
Just a heads up for Eddie "Jessie" Cibrian fans....

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I am very disapointed with CSI: Miami that they felt that they needed to kill someone off at all. They have a rather large cast that sadly they do not use properly so rather then kill of Jesse and lose Cibrean I think it would have been a better plan to demote some of the actors down toreacurring guest star status rather then stars and move the characters from CSI's to lab tecs (have Natalia realize that with her hearing impairment she works better in the lab, have Walter have to move to lab tech *which I have to admit I always thought he was*) then the actors and characters can continue on the show and we fans can enjoy them but they are not taking away from the other characters as even with the removal of Jesse it's still going to be crowded. Also all in all I hate it when they feel the need to kill a character to get rid of them, it's such a waste.

As for my feelings about Jesse himself are that we didn't really get to know him and sadly he was pushed on us and involved in one of the more draggy CSI plots (and they have had a few) I almost felt like the show saw him as temporary and so didn't invest in him, which was sad. The actor was good and the character seemed to gell nicely with the rest of the cast. All in all it's just plain sad. I also am still holding my breath to see if he is the only cut the finalle had that effect on me. I'm ecstatic that Eric and Adam are back but I wish that it had been done another way and I hope that the feelings that I have had about his far too frequent guest rolls don't effect my thoughts about his return because I love him, however I was begining to love Jesse too. I wish Eddie Cibrian well on his career and pray he doesn't feel the need to return to All My Children because I love the current Jake *GRIN* Anywho I really wish him the best and wish that things could have been different.
Just a heads up for Eddie "Jessie" Cibrian fans....

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In all honesty, I find this piece of article quite insulting towards Eddie Cibrian as a person. To me it sounds more of a specualation rather than the real reason why TPTB kicked Cibrian off the show.

He cheated on his wife (I think that,at this point, is quite impossible to deny it although I don't know anything of him out of this show), but this doesn't mean he can't act in a show. To me it sounds like case of false moralism from TPTB who were the same who hired some other actors on the show who had problems (even worse than Cibrian's one).
I am not judging those actors (I won't do it and I don't want to speculate since I also think you can find those information even on wikipedia :shifty:), but at the same time this excuse just sounds like a way to justify TPTB's behaviour which is simply inconsistent.....like everything they do :rolleyes:

Cibrian was the new guy, but he wasn't the only one. Also Omar was the new guy. Both characters were interesting, though some aspects weren't developed in the best way possible (above all, screentime).
Telling that his lack of social skills on the set were the determining factors, to me, is crap. They don't give us any interesting behind the scenes clip, but from what I've seen Cibrian does not have antisocial personality....this is quite ridiculous!!!!!

"Eddie pretty much wrote his own ticket onto the show, and his own ticket off"
This source couldn't have expressed his/her opinion on the guy in a worse way 'cause this is his/her opinion...not the truth...at least it can't be in a so called serious tv-show!!!!
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Just a heads up for Eddie "Jessie" Cibrian fans....

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Yeah, I'm not buying this. Sure, it seems that Eddie made some mistakes in his personal life, but as someone mentioned earlier, if studios refused to hire people who were involved in "scandalous" activity (short of the really horrid things, of course), there wouldn't be many people left in Hollywood.

I admit, I have a weakness for celebrity news/gossip, but I really haven't seen that much in the way of stuff about Eddie and his personal life. Sure, an occasional paparazzi photo of him out with LeAnn, but not doing anything "scandalous". Although I don't know a whole lot about the situation, didn't most of the stuff with his divorce/cheating happen before he was ever on the show?

And I've never seen any evidence that he didn't get along with people on the set. In one of the videos posted on Emily Procter's website, she's standing on set with Eddie, talking about how a lot of people are in love with Eddie Cibrian, but she's in love with Eddie Cibrian's dad (and it shows her going over to him, giving him a hug, and saying something like "I'm so glad he's out of the way, and you and I can be together"). You hear a crew member (?) in the background say "I'm in love with Eddie Cibrian!" and they all start laughing. Who would bring their dad to a place that they didn't feel comfortable at? Eddie's smiling the whole time he's on the video. I also remember hearing an interview with Emily in which she talked about how she was pranking Jonathan Togo by putting magnetic bumper stickers on his car that said things like "I'm only speeding because I have to poop!" and talking about how Jonathan either had or was planning on putting the bumper stickers on Eddie's car. It seems like he got along just fine with the others.
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I have to agree with both Flo and Silentdisco. IMO, this is just "juicier" than printing the truth: CBS couldn't afford him and Adam both (at least that's my opinion of the truth).

Besides, what this article is suggesting doesn't say much for the other actors on the show (if it were true, which I don't believe it is). I'd hate to think they would be the type to call him names behind his back or hold something like this against him -- surely they're much more professional & mature for that. Eddie did wrong to his wife. Not TPTB, the cast of CSI:miami, or it's fans.

And yes, it was exactly this time last year when Eddie Cibrian was hired for the role of Jesse -- the media was already all over him about his marital issues. If it didn't bother CBS/TPTB at that time, then why would it now.

"I'm only speeding because I have to poop!"
LOL. I so need to get one of those for my husband.
I removed the link to the website as that article seemed to rely heavily on gossip and questionably reputable sources, not unlike a tabloid (the site itself even promotes its sections of 'celebrity gossip') and we want to avoid perpetuating the rumor mill here.

It's usually best to wait until we hear something official from Eddie Cibrian, his representatives and/or CBS/TPTB.
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