just wondering how much 'grieving' and team bonding Jesse's 'death' will bring-was he really such a good friend after one year? kinda hope he was but this is just a drama stunt to kick off the season and I think they couldn't afford him and all these newbies one year later..or is it too difficult to write good s/l for so many cast members? oh well don't really know if Jesse's going away will make people happy or sad-just indifferent...I believe the actor tried very hard but he just didn't take with long term die hard fans...oh well..
I tend to believe that it is a dramatic stunt of a sort. With the exception of Walter and Ryan, no one on the team had really developed that close a relationship with Jesse. Both Walter and Ryan should be allowed to mourn him in a way that does all of them justice.
There certainly would be no reason for his death to bring the team together. The only long-term member of the team who was close to Jesse was Ryan and he has always been the "outsider" of the team.
Natalia is going to mourn and be upset simply because she is an extremely compassionate and caring human being. Jesse's death will affect her because his death is sad and such a terrible waste.
Horatio and Jesse were supposed to be close and have a history together, but we never really saw evidence of that. So it was hard to invest in that particular relationship. Horatio will be upset simply because Jesse was a member of his team and he is responsible for them - as sorry a team as they may be.
Delko HAD no relationship with Jesse and therefore no reason whatsoever to mourn his death.
Calleigh's relationship with Jesse was contentious at best. I wouldn't buy that she will miss Jesse or care that much that he's gone. Only Delko's well-being seems to be on her radar anyway.
And you're right,
ladyjr8. Cibrian tried very hard and I think he did a great job. He just wasn't given a chance. The horribly vicious campaign against him started the minute his name was announced as a new cast member. Most didn't even bother to wait to see what he could possiblly bring to the show. And it didn't help that Delko was dropping in and out the entire time he was trying to establish Jesse.
What would truly be sad is if that malicious campaign had anything to do with his contract not being renewed. That type of negative targeting should never be allowed win.