CSI Level One
However, I've noticed from browsing around the forum that quite a few of the people complaining the loudest about the E/C romance and championing the cause of getting rid of Eric and/or Calleigh and replacing them with new characters, are supporters of other, non-canon 'ships like DuCaine, EDeN, CarWash, etc. This leads me to wonder whether these folks would want fresh blood or be complaining about Eric/Calleigh or the romance being played-out if it was their favorite 'ship that was canon on the show rather than E/C.
Just so my position is clear ... I ship no one!
Truth is I've been waiting for 4 very long years to again see a team on this show. Jesse and Walter's introduction - and Delko's departure - actually gave us a taste of what it would be like to see CSI Miami with a team again. And it was nice.
I enjoyed the Horatio and Calleigh interaction in the first 2 seasons, but never "shipped" them. And with Calleigh as she is now, she is the LAST person I'd want to be involved with Horatio.
I enjoy immensely Natalia and Horatio interaction and Ryan and Natalia. I enjoy Frank with everyone.
Horatio, Natalia, Ryan, Frank Jesse and Walter "feel" like a team. Eric and Calleigh are only interested in each other and no on else.
I completely enjoyed Ryan, Walter and Jesse. Finally Ryan had someone he could be comfortable with and who accept him as he is without judging him - especially when those passing judgment are the LAST ones who should be judging anyone.
Eric and Calleigh had a nice friendship going for a while. Truth is I've never really liked Delko. He was a child who had no respect whatsoever for women and I haven't seem any improvement as the years have gone by, truth be told. He never takes responsibility or takes the hit for his actions - unlike Ryan.
I'm unhappy about Jesse because he WAS new life for the show. IMO, Delko and Calleigh are played out. There is nothing about them I want to see. Both so corrupted from who they used to be being part of a team is an alien concept to them.
Jesse was new and fresh. A character yet to be explored. He was a friend for Ryan and together with Walter they were fun to watch. They brought back the smiles and the laughter gone for so long from this show.
His wife's death was yet to be addressed. The basis for his relationship with Horatio. There was a story with every team member as he established a relationship and bonded with each of them. Just the fact that he could do his job in a competent manner made him a breath of fresh air.
With Jesse gone and Delko back it means a return to the same tired story. Any chance for something new and fresh is gone. It'll be back to all E/C melodrama ... all the time. Nothing changes on this show. At least not for long. :scream:
EDIT: I should say that nothing changes on this show in the last 3 seasons. Once the destruction of Calleigh was complete, there was apparently no turning back.
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