What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Aside from school stuff I just started the second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire. Before that I read the first volume of the Sailor Moon manga. :lol: And after, I want to read the first Game of Thrones book.
I just finished reading "The Scarecrow" by Michael Connelly.
Great story! The main character is Jack McEvoy (previosly seen in "The Poet"),a reporter for the L.A Times who stumbles upon a story of a young gangbanger wrongly accused of murder.
Think I'll dig up an old thread. :)

"Gideon's Sword" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.

When he was 12 Gideon Crew watched his father get gunned down for treason. When he was 24 his mother told him his father was set up and murdered. On her death bead she told him exactly who set his father up and why and made him promise to take this guy down. Gideon does successfully take down this ex-military guy and clear his father's name. But, he was being watched. A contractor for the U.S. Government takes him on for a special 'job' that they believe only he can do because of how he successfully took down his father's killer.

I am halfway through "Betrayal" by Danielle Steel. It is really good. My next book is going to be "Summerland" by Elin Hilderbrand. I think it will be a good one. I have liked everyone of her books.
"A Devil is Waiting" by Jack Higgins

The latest with Sean Dillon, General Ferguson, and the rest of the gang. At least so far in this one the bad guys aren't trying to kill Dillon, they've been going after (& failing of course) Daniel Holley and Ferguson's newest recruit Sara Gideon (3 seperate times!). They've also tried to blow up (London) Parlament when the U.S. President was visiting. Action should be getting heavy soon as our good guys are about to go to Afghanistan and hunt down the bad guys.

Im reading Above Suspicion by Lynda La Plante. Its the first book in one of her series following a detective called "Anna Travis" I have read 3 others in the series "The Red Dahlia", "Blind Fury" & "Silent Scream" I found them all to be amazing so i decided to try another one. :)
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I just finished "Rainshadow Road" of the Friday Harbor series by Lisa Kleypas. The second one in the series is released tomorrow. It is called "Dream Lake". If it is as good as the first one I think I will like the second one as well. I had never read any of her work, but I was very impressed.
I just started the new book by Mary Kay Andrews titled "Spring Fever". I like it so far, but I can already see the villain is gonna really piss me off. I am sure I will be yelling at this book before it is over.
Just starting Sky Dragons by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey (her son). It's the newest in the Dragonriders of Pern series of books and the final book written by Anne McCaffrey before she died in November of last year. :(
Hopefully since Todd has written Pern novels both with and without her he'll keep the series going.

I was supposed to read Ian Rankin's 'Set In Darkness'... So far got only till chapter 9...

Previously read 'Knots & Crosses', 'Dead Souls' and one more from Inspector Rebus series...
I am reading a book about 9/11 and it is really hard to read. I need to stop reading after 10 or 20 pages.
Currently onto 'Travellers New York Guide'... Inspecting New York since almost all shows are somewhat New York themed...
Also trying to find where does Neal and Peter lives... Wow the place is HUGE:eek:
Why do we not have parks like Central Park here? I wanna move to NYC
I'm reading the book 'The Lucky One' by Nicholas Sparks. The story is about a man, who is in the iraq war and there he finds a picture of a woman. It is his lucky charm and he comes unscathed at home. Then he begins to search for the woman on the picture.
I read The Lucky One. It was really good. The movies based on his books are never as good as the book. I just finished Dream Lake in the Friday Harbor series by Lisa Kleypas. It was really good. It is gonna be hard to wait for the next book that comes out in November.
I just started the new Danielle Steel book called Friends Forever. It is good so far, but I am only on chapter 2.
I read The Lucky One. It was really good. The movies based on his books are never as good as the book.

That's the reason why I read the book again, because of the movie. I haven't seen it yet. But I've read The Last Song too and watched the movie, and I'm bound to say I liked it :)