What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm currently reading John Barrowman's I Am What I Am. Just as hilarious and insightful as his first book Anything Goes.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm following a lot of Dean/Cas fanfics. Here are a few multi-chapter fics I'd recommend:

The "Welcome to Oz" series is 44 chapters long, really great and absolutely heartbreaking (actually, the author hasn't posted the very last chapter yet, so there's still time for it to end on a happy note... though I doubt it). This series gets REALLY R-rated, fair warning.

The "This, And So Much More" series is only half complete (6/12 chapters posted), but it's considerably fluffier than the Oz series and pretty funny most of the time. Basically, Dean is stupidly awkward about his newfound feelings for Castiel while the angel, who's secretly in love with Dean, has NO idea how to react to Dean's physical advances.

The "Fourth Wall" series is basically a really really long crack!fic. The series assumes that Chuck has published stories which include Castiel, and that fans of Chuck's work (think fans like Becky) have started writing, *ahem*, EXPLICIT Dean/Cas fics. Sam found some of those fics on the web. Hilarity ensues! Oh, and Lucifer tries to get on Sam's good side in Sam's dreams. That part is a bit weird.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I've finished Karin Slaughter's Skin Privilege (aka Beyond Reach). I really liked it but the ending shocked me. I have no idea why Karin Slaughter did that. How could she be so gruesome??? :(
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading "Sense & Sensebility". It was a Christmas gift. I love Jane Austen.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I have just finished David Baldacci's The Collectors & John Grisham's The Broker. And I must say, WHAT LOUSY ENDINGS!!!

And just when the story was getting interesting! What happened to you boys?! Were you guys running outta ink & paper?! I was expecting so much more... waste of my time!!!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished Moab is my washpoat by Stephen Fry. It's his autobiography, covering the first 20 years of his life. It's an interesting book I really enjoyed it.

Now I'm reading Conan Doyle, detective by Peter Costello. It's about the real crimes that Conan Doyle investigated while creating Sherlock Holmes. Nice reading so far.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

A friend bought me a copy of Stephen King's "Under the Dome" for my birthday. The thing is massive- even the big hardcover is 1072 words long! Anyway, I was a bit daunted to open it and get started, since it's so massive. Once I did start it, though, I couldn't put it down. I fully intended to hit the sack early last night, but I couldn't put it down. Can't wait to get home and keep going!

Anyway, the premise is about this small town in Maine (of course) that is suddenly cut off from everything except air and water by this invisible shield, and what happens to the folks stuck inside. I've always found that Stephen King isn't interested so much in the individual so much as the entire town character study, and hopefully this novel will reinforce my belief that his skill with this style contributes to his overall strength as a writer. All I know is I'm totally sucked in already. :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading The Magicians by Lev Grossman. This novel was recommend to me by a friend, so I'm hoping it's good or he's in trouble. lol
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"L'Éducation Sentimentale" by Flaubert - it's for my french literature class. it's actually really good so far, which is strange as i've read another of his ("Madame Bovary") and didn't like it at all. the main character in this one (and i'm not even that far into it yet) is so ridiculously emo it's almost funny, he puts all those emo bands to shame, and this book is about 150 years old!

i'm also still flipping through "Les Fleurs du Mal" by Baudelaire, trying to find references to put into my essay on it but i'm not much good at deciphering/writing about poetry so i'm struggling a bit....
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel= not too many people may know that during WWII men and women working in the Art History field went into towns after attacks and tried to save works of art from completely being destoryed. many may not know that Hitler and his men looted thousands and thousands of pieces of art during this time. this book was fascinating b/c not even i realiszed that without these men pieces like The Ghent Altarpiece by Van Eyck and The Bruges Madonna by Michelangelo would have been gone forever had they not been found by the Monuments Men.

Fashion= this book was put out by the Kyoto Fashion Institute in Kyoto, Japan. i've never had a deep appreciation for fashion but after reading this i do. the book was fascinating. the book spans fashion from the 1800s- 1900s. i love looking at the fashion from the early 20th century before the '60s. i now know why Chanel is such a beloved House, her clothing was innovative and beautiful. Fun Fact: did you Chanel created the "little black dress"? the evolution of fashion is amazing. now i can look at an old photograph, painting, or movie and know what era it's from and understand the clothing.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

books on conversation analysis for my essay - woo hoo! and still 'l'éducation sentimentale' in the background.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Makes me glad to have the life I do.
I just finished reading that last weekend, I definitely agree with you there. Quite an interesting read, the whole book is just, wow. I can't believe that was actually someone's life.

Right now I'm re-reading Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. I never re-read books (in fact just started re-reading them with a series a few months ago) but this one is so worth the second read. It's an amazing book depending on what you're interested in, I guess. To some people it could just be this boring book about computers and hacking and stuff, but it's actually so much more intense and awesome than that. :lol:

Oh and before Christmas I was reading Waiter Rant by Steve Dublanica. It's pretty funny and gives you a good look at what goes on "in the back", and how it sucks to be a waiter, when you're sitting in a restaurant eating. :lol: