What are you reading?

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I'm reading "The Green Mile". I've wanted to read it ever since I saw the movie and now 5 years later I've finally gotten around to it. I've really enjoyed it to so far.
Whee. I've finished my book and is reading another John Grisham book: The Testament. Such an amazing writer! Weird to think I took his book by confusing him with another authour James Herbert.
I'm reading a school book. Does that count?

Its really rather dull right now, and is called Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence.

Or rather I should be reading it :devil: *lol*
Just finished reading the Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, and the Skystone. My 2 baby cousins are named after people/things from the Skystone, Caius (boy)and Sarissa(girl). Caius is a Roman general in the book. A sarissa is a lethal spear, with a grip to pull in and out of the enemy quick... bit guesome for a baby girl's name!
I'm wondering whether to read the DaVinci Code - people either seem to love it or hate it from what I've read on the Amazon reviews. But I might just try it anyway and see how I get on with it :D
Really!? I looove the DaVinci Code...But I loved Angels and Demons better... I mean the stuff you learn, DVC is interesting in that it's all like the religion and about DaVinci's secret message and stuff, but I'm not a linguistic person so I liked the Physics of Angels and Demons better (except I had to read one of the like first chapters like 5 times before I understood the whole thingy about anti-matter and stuff...lol) Plus, I think the plot of the story was more like exciting up til the end for Angels and Demons....

But I recommend all the Dan Brown books- they're all similar style, but all interesting...

Oh yeah, has anyone read the African novel, "Weep Not Child" by Ngugi Wa Thiongo? We're reading it in English right now...and bleh bleh bleh

I enjoyed Angels and Demons. I was going to read DaVinci Code next-my friend has got the illustrated version (Don't know why that makes a difference yet!), but I've started His Dark Materials Trilogy instead.
I just finished Eldest of the Inheritance trilology and it was sooo good! There is such a big twist in the end of the second book. Does anyone else read them?
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