What are you reading?

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as soon as the library notifies me that they have it, I'm going to go get the book that has the brokeback mountain story in it. :p
i'm trying to finish THE DA VINVI CODE before the winter break is over, otherwise i wouldn't have time to read
I'm reading this book called 'Stiff- The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers' It is tres interesting and quite humerous too. :)
I'm reading the final installment of Stephen King's gunslinger series: The Dark Tower. Book 7, I finally made it.

It's incredibly self-indulgent but ah, whatever. It's supposedly his last novel, so I'll let it go! :)
I am reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; VERY good so far, almost better than Order of Phoenix. I just started last night and I only have three chapters to go; I just can't put it down!
i'm reading this hilarious parody book called 'phac tan' (pronounced 'fake tan'), its like a travellers guide to this made up place... its really funny!
For now the only thing I have time to read is books about eyptology and especially hieroglyphs. (I'm having a huge test on Monday! :()
Well for school I'm reading "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "Dibs in Search Of Self". My Dibs book really sucks.. but I don't mind TKAMb

*squee* 'To Kill A Mockingbird' is one of my favorite books! it's so cute! :D
Now I'm reading "The Forensic Science of CSI". I love being a nerd...
I'm reading "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling...duh! This is my 2nd time with this one, and the rest of the series I've read 6 or 7 times.
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