What are you reading?

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S.E. Hinton is actually a woman. :) But I agree with you both, 'The Outsiders' is a wonderful book, probably my all time favorite book, ever. I also love the movie too, but not as much as the book.

Aah, I stand corrected. Much thanks!

Current read: Norman Partridge's MR FOX & OTHER FERAL TALES --the new expanded edition, with the essays... great stuff.
I am currently reading three books: "Cause of Death" by Frank Smyth (a history of forensics) "A Century In Racing" (a history of horse racing) and "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. S.E. Hinton is a great writer. We had to read the Outsiders last year in seventh grade. I like "Taming the Star Runner" cuz I'm a horse person. I think that's the name of it...
and still reading 'The Crucible' for school.

I picked that to do my English independent study on last year. It's actually a really good play.

I just finished reading Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson, (which I thought was a bit of a rip-off of the TV show Dark Angel) and The Ellie Chronicles: While I Live by John Marsden which is fantastic, like most of his books are.
My favorite Dean Koontz book is The Watcher... my Uncle Danny is a huge Dean Koontz fan. One of my favorite authors is Brian Jacques. I love the Redwall series.
I'm reading this fantasy series by a guy (I'm guessing) named George R.R. Martin. I'm reading it in Dutch so I'll have to search for the original title on the net.
Found it, it's called A Song of Ice and Fire. I love it, I'm really addicted to those books.
"Freak the Mighty" by Rodman Philbrick...I absolutely love it, I actually watched the movie ("The Mighty") in English class, then bought the book and read it and am now listening to my mom read it to my little brother. I also just finished "CSI:The Killing Game" and "Love that Dog". I love "Love that Dog", my English teacher read it to the class for a section on poetry and then I bought the book and reread it.
:lol: They made me read Freak the Mighty in 6th grade.

I am currently reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". It's a difficult read, but I'm enjoying it. My language arts teacher and I discuss it every time I get to a new chapter because it's his favorite book. :lol:
My mom said To Kill a Mockingbird is an excellent book. We named our cat Boo after Boo Radley because our cat is very quiet and he hides. Another excellent book is "The Last Dog on Earth." It's interesting.
^ Oh yes, I've not read the book but I've seen an old movie of it and it tugs at your emotional heart-strings. It's extremely engaging.

Does anyone here read any books by Judy Blume? 'Just As Long As We're Together' is my favorite and I'm re-reading it now for fun. I need some unwinding after a long week in school. ;)
the only thing i have time to read is textbooks, how sad is that?? at least this semester i have a few interesting courses, so my books are 'classical mythology', 'a brief history of ancient greece', and 'a brief history of the romans'
We're reading White Fang in English class... I like it better than Call of the Wild. More action, and plus White Fang reminds me of my dog.
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