What are you reading?

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I just started Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So far, it's pretty good.

It is a good book. I like The DaVinci Code a little better though.
I just started Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So far, it's pretty good.

It is a good book. I like The DaVinci Code a little better though.

Really? I liked Angels and Demons better. Sure, it is very Hollywood, but the Davinci Code is all reguritated information that is inaccurate. Clever plot, though. I would have never guessed...
I'm reading my sister's university Biology Second Edition textbook. I'm so confused and bored, but I'm forcing myself to read it. :) I always force myself to read stuff, but I'm weird.
Angels and Demons has real info in it, thats what attracted me to it.
Hollis our very own science geek! i'm proud of you bio is soo much fun to read!
Oxford Dictionary. I was at the D section when I became aware how strange this was, when my sister did a double take when walking past me.
I went to the library so I've got a couple of new books to read.
I've started on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
I'm trying to put off re-reading "Emma" by Jane Austen. I have to read it for school and I really, really don't like it. I'll probably just listen to the CDs again, which is how I got through it the first time. Not even the fact that the main character and I share the same name is enough to lure me in. *yawn*
wooo i'm up to chapter 17 of pride and prejudice... 17 out of 61... ahh crap... i have to finish this book today too...
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