What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

From the season 8 episode "Bolt Action".

Frank: A lightning bolt makes friends with a lifeguard tower and all of a sudden, I'm saddled with block after block of knock and talks.
Ryan: Well, I guess it's our lucky day 'cause you have such a nice way with people, Tripp.
Ryan(referring to a push mower): Well, this certainly wasn't on the top of any lifeguard tower this morning.
Frank: Look underneath it, smartass.

Its funny watching Frank Zap Ryan. They had another funny exchange in Chain Reaction
From the season 2 episode "Dead Zone".
Horatio: If it's not alive or nailed down, Speed, bag it.

From the season 8 episode "In Plane Sight".
Jesse: Man. Walter, you should've seen the look on your face when I handed you those gloves today.
Walter: Yeah, laugh it up shorty. Just don't coming crying to me when you need to get a beaker off the high shelf.
Ryan: Hey. You know that beer I said I was gonna buy you earlier? Not buying it. Nope. Not gonna happen.
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It wasn't even a main character but I about loled last night watching Bad Seed when the restaurant owner said "Kiss my ass, lady!" to Calleigh. :lol:

"We have badges. These rural guys hardly have educations." Okay, it was kind of mean, but still... *snicker*

"How many cards did you put down there?"
"Walter spilled the bag."
"I told you not to set it there."
here's one of my favorites...

"So you're going to shave before you go to IAB?"
"It's a polygraph test, not a portrait."
"Well, you know, presentation is everything."

-- Calleigh Duquesne and Tim Speedle(Dispo Day)
"How many cards did you put down there?"
"Walter spilled the bag."
"I told you not to set it there."

LOL! I loved that moment!!

I could watch Ryan, Walter, and Jesse all day! The 3 Musketeers are just so funny together!

here's one of my favorites...

"So you're going to shave before you go to IAB?"
"It's a polygraph test, not a portrait."
"Well, you know, presentation is everything."

-- Calleigh Duquesne and Tim Speedle(Dispo Day)

I miss Speed...sniff sniff:(