Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to the board DeTroyes have fun
Hi everyone!
I'm ncismom and I'm a fan fiction writer, mainly writing NCIS stories (not that you couldn't figure that out. lol) Anyway, I caught the CSI bug and especially the George/Nick bug (of which I don't think there's a cure) and began reading a lot of great stories by some great authors, several of whom are on this board, not to mention catching up on all the episodes. I was encouraged to come on over and check the site out! I must say that I'm really impressed and I'm looking forward to becoming even more involved. Who knows? One day, I may try my hand at writing CSI fan fiction; I've got some ideas brewing! Thanks for letting me become part of the CSI world!
Welcome to the Las Vegas forums, ncismom! :) Take a look around and make yourself at home. I already know you have some great fic ideas! ;)
Thanks Smokey!
I'm really giving them some consideration and believe me, I'm sure I'll be asking you a lot of questions!
Thanks again for the invite!
Hey ncismom, you and I should get along great. CSI and NCIS are my two fav television shows. I've read alot of NCIS fanfic, so maybe I've already run across some of your stuff!
Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome everybody! I already feel right at home! Looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you.

waiting4summer: Love your name by the way, I'm waiting for summer as well! I'm sick of winter. I do love NCIS and my fics are over at ff.net. Hope you have time to check them out if you haven't. I'm still trying to get my courage up to try my hand at CSI.

Again, thanks to everyone for being so nice and welcoming me with open arms!
Hi, I'm Otie. I've been a CSI fan since it first came on while I was in high school. I watched the first two seasons with my Mom, but ended up missing several seasons (long story, if anyone actually wants to hear it, okay, otherwise I won't bore you LOL). In fact, I didn't come back in until the start of the Miniature Killer storyline. Thank goodness for Spike though! I've also recently been acquiring the seasons on DVD, I have 1-5 and 8 (yeah, a little random - but there was a damaged box of 8 that was on for a third of the usual price, so heck yeah!). Also really love fan fiction, another thing left over from way back when I was in high school ::grins:: all those many years ago. So HI again!
Hi, I'm Otie. I've been a CSI fan since it first came on while I was in high school. I watched the first two seasons with my Mom, but ended up missing several seasons (long story, if anyone actually wants to hear it, okay, otherwise I won't bore you LOL). In fact, I didn't come back in until the start of the Miniature Killer storyline. Thank goodness for Spike though! I've also recently been acquiring the seasons on DVD, I have 1-5 and 8 (yeah, a little random - but there was a damaged box of 8 that was on for a third of the usual price, so heck yeah!). Also really love fan fiction, another thing left over from way back when I was in high school ::grins:: all those many years ago. So HI again!

Hi Otie, you actually sound a lot like me, I watched CSI a few times here and there on Spike or CBS, but I really got into CSI during season 7, I liked the mini killer, GSR, lab rats, soon Greg, etc

I also have seasons 1-5 and 7
Hi, I'm Otie. I've been a CSI fan since it first came on while I was in high school. I watched the first two seasons with my Mom, but ended up missing several seasons (long story, if anyone actually wants to hear it, okay, otherwise I won't bore you LOL). In fact, I didn't come back in until the start of the Miniature Killer storyline. Thank goodness for Spike though! I've also recently been acquiring the seasons on DVD, I have 1-5 and 8 (yeah, a little random - but there was a damaged box of 8 that was on for a third of the usual price, so heck yeah!). Also really love fan fiction, another thing left over from way back when I was in high school ::grins:: all those many years ago. So HI again!

Hi Otie, you actually sound a lot like me, I watched CSI a few times here and there on Spike or CBS, but I really got into CSI during season 7, I liked the mini killer, GSR, lab rats, soon Greg, etc

I also have seasons 1-5 and 7

Make that three of us! :lol: Well, the Spike and the Season 7 part...not the mini-killer, GSR, etc. :p Anyway, welcome to the Las Vegas forums, Otie! Have fun! :)