Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to the Las Vegas forums, Stokes626! Make yourself at home and have fun! You certainly will if you hang out in the Ward. ;)
So, I've been lurking in these parts for a little while, and I've finally gotten up the nerve to register. So, uh, here I am.

I've only been a fan of CSI for six/eight months - though I'd actually caught a couple of episodes prior to getting hooked (my first ever CSI episode was the UK first showing of Grave Danger pt 2 - boy was I ever lost!) - but I've been working hard to catch up and I'm now in the curious position of having seen seasons 1-6 and 9, but virtually nothing of seasons 7 and 8.

It was 'Gum Drops' that really got me hooked (*cough* I may now have seen that episode more times than is strictly necessary), and, uh, may just have led me towards becoming a serious Nick fan - although that might also have come from catching 'Who Are You' and 'Let The Seller Beware' pretty early on. (What can I say; the UK repeat schedule is a little random!)

So, uh, yeah - this would be me.

Hello and welcome, Athersgeo. I actually started to like CSI pretty late, just like you. So I know what it feels like when you are working hard to catch up. Welcome anyway.
Welcome as well ATHERSGEO. What better episode to get hooked then 'gum drops'? I mean really. :lol: Hope you enjoy your stay and you may have already noticed that there is plenty of Nick related threads to visit...

Welcome to the Las Vegas forum, Athersgeo! :) Glad you finally decided to take the plunge and register! Warning...it's going to be even more addictive now! :lol: Have fun!
Welcome to the nut house, Athersgeo. Better late than never. Grab some virtual snacks from the invisible table by the make-believe door. Pull up a keyboard and have fun.

I see you are a Trekkie or Trekker. Maybe we can ask the producers for CSI: Enterprise, using tricorders and phasers.
Hello! I can't say that I'm quite new here. I used to post here a long time ago, but it's been forever, I don't even remember my screen name here Lol.

I've watched all the CSI episodes from LV to NY, from the beginning and have been a fan of them since. Greg is my absolute fave character out of all the CSI's and Eric Szmanda is just amazing! But, I'm also a big fan of Jonathan Togo! Just love him! :D
Welcome (back!) to the Las Vegas forums, Keep Dreaming! :) Be sure to stick around this time. ;) And have fun!
Welcome to the Las Vegas forum, Athersgeo! :) Glad you finally decided to take the plunge and register! Warning...it's going to be even more addictive now! :lol: Have fun!

Heh; thank you - that's sort of what I'm afraid of, though I'm trying to be 'good', at least until Christmas. I have projects that MUST be done before December 24th.

All bets are off after that, though!

And thanks to everyone else for the welcome :)
Welcome back to the nut house, keep dreaming. You know something? That's what other board members say to me when I tell them I will have Emily Procter for my own some day... Keep dreaming.

Any way, grab some virtual snacks from the table by the door, same place they always were. (Though the snacks have been refreshed from time to time.) Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
Thank you! Lol! I tell myself that when I want someone! So that's why I went with that SN. And my virtual snacks are plentyful and I plan to be here a while :D
WELCOME keep_dreaming
have fun:bolian: