Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hello, all! I'm an 18 year old CSI addict. (Wow I feel like I'm in a support group..) In the time that is not taken up by CSI, I am a musician and high school student. After I graduate I will begin my college career, probably working towards a major in microbiology.

That's about all. Oh, also, I really like Grissom. A lot. ;)

See ya!
Hi all,
I'm another new poster. I have been lurking around here for ages, but never signed up until now.
I discovered CSI in the second season and have managed to see all the early episodes several times each at least.
I hope to be able to add some thoughts to the discussions.
Hi Megan, Virology101 and mellojello. Glad to have you all here, I'm sure you will have a great time! :)
Hey everybody! I'm Chloe. I've been watching CSI since Grave Danger, but since then, have acquired four seasons on DVD, a puzzle, a shirt, an anthropological head, a computer game, and created a little FanFiction collection. This is actually my first post, even though I've been signed up for two weeks or so now. Anyway, I love this place already!
Hello there,
I used to post on here a lot a while ago, but I've not been on in ages so I should re-introduce myself as I doubt anyone remembers me! I realised it was time I started posting again because I've just got a DVD player in my bedroom so all I do is have lots of early nights with Season 5 DVDs.... Bliss!!

Anyway, my name's Holly, I'm 25 and I live in Derby, England. I love CSI:LV, CSI:NY and CSI:Miami in that order. I also love Monk, Criminal Minds, SATC, Buffy/Angel/Firefly and Spongebob.

So, hello again! :D
Hello :D My name is Tessa. I'm from the Netherlands. I live in Amsterdam. I'm SaraStar's/Eva's little sister. I'm 13 years old. I love CSI. I always watch it when it's on, never wanna miss it :p. When I was younger I always thought it was scary, and switched off the tv :p. But now I'm really addicted :D. I'm a Sandle-shipper :D. My fav. character is Greg. He's just so funny & handsome!
Hello, My name is Alejandra. I am from Spain. And I am 19 years old.

I am charmed with CSI, specially Las Vegas. I am Shipper Grissom-Sara. Also I like many Hoodges, Greg, Robinns...
hey whats up my name is brenton everyone calls me benny. i am a Marine stationed in okinawa Japan. my roomate and i love to watch CSI: Los Vegas all the time but we get the episodes a little later then everyone else. we love to sit in here and play the CSI games it keeps us out of trouble. any way i have been a CSI fan for a long time and i think that the show is one of the best shows on TV.
:) Hey, I'm Nicole, i'm 16...uh...I've pretty much been watching CSI on and off since it started...I just started watching it obsessively a few months ago...mainly b-cuz of Catherine & Sara,lol... :cool:
sooooo yea.
Welcome virology101, mellojello, 4ENSIX (Chloe), TRICK, Alex (Alejandra), gregslabmouse (Mouse), Merry_Grismas (Benny), Nicole and LabRat (Tessa...Finally someone of my age ;))
Thank you very much for the welcome :), I am trying to read and to understand everything, for the difference of the language.
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