Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi and welcome to everyone, we hope you enjoy your stay, we also would like to direct you to the "Help Guide" located in this forum to help you with the rules.

We would like to serve a reminder about signatures. You might have gotten a private message regarding them, the rule for it is, you can have either a "Banner" or "Text" but not both, also the banner can not exceed the max size of 220 wide by 75 high.

Again we welcome you and direct you all to the food and drinks located by the door. :)
heya, I'm here...and a huge fan of CSI...just bought seasons 1 thru 6 (a late christmas gift from my dog haylee)...isn't she sweet, to do that for mommy??

anyhoo...I've been reding some of the threads, looks like a great site and well maintained which is what I was looking for...I'm a huge Gris/Sara fan and hope they both return next season.

Well I've gotta run for now but thanks for the beverages and snacks :)
Hi all, I actually started out getting hooked on CSI Miami first then the other two shows followed. I'm a big fan of crime shows, I've watched them my whole life as far back as I can remember.

You guys have a great forum here, and I have to say everyone is very nice and very friendly. :D
Hi. I have just returned to this site after a leave of absence. I am a huge fan of CSI i also highly enjoy CSI: Miami and CSI: New York. I also have been working on a CSI story in the fan fiction section of this site called CSI: Own Risk you will find out why if you read it. It is a cross over of CSI and CSI: Miami so i am hoping both fan groups will enjoy it. Please if you get a chance check it out and let me know what you think of it. Thank you.
Hey hey, i'm new here, call me Ams! *waves* Pretty new to CSI, just finished S3, on to S4 when it arrives. Woo! Brass is probs my fav, Gris a very close second. Catherine third. I know all the spoilers etc, i'm just playing catch up now! Nice ta meet u all!
Welcome Everyone to the LV forum, we hope that you have fun and there is food by the door, we also recommend that everyone read the "Help Guide" to help you all get around and learn a touch about the rules here. Again welcome, and if you need anything give a yell.
Hi cannt remember if ive already done this but anyway..Im in Ireland,a newish fan of CSI so im watchihg the old stuff and season 6 at the same time,which can be quite confusing!
Welcome to everyone. I'm sure you will all enjoy it here. Take a seat and settle in...oh, and take some of the food. Destiny does put on a good buffet. :lol:
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