Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
Welcome! To CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, the show that started it all, and this forum that is dedicated to this wonderful show. You're mods are Destiny and TallyHo we don't bite, it's not allowed, and occassionally we have been called cool. :)

We hope you enjoy your time here, we want you to help us define this community, so we are looking to you to help set the atmosphere here, three words to remember family, friendly and fun, Please feel free to post a small introduction or friendly hello so we can hear from you!

Being new can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, so we created a "Help Guide & Board Updates" to get you started please read the whole thread.

We Hope this has been helpful, if you have questions about something we have not covered please ask, and we hope to see you here often! Free food and drinks by the door we never run out. Have fun. :)

Thank-You :)
Okay, I'm trying the introduction here, though I have to say that I am not very good at them.

Hi, *shy wave*
my name's loozy, or Julia, I'm 23 years old and live in Galway, Ireland. Originally I'm from Germany but moved here in 2005 when I transferred from my college in Heidelberg to NUI, Galway.
I started watching CSI:LV in 2004 after watching CSI:NY *which had intrigued me as I always saw trailers for it when I was in Rio de Janeiro, conveniently at the same time that George Eads, Gary Dourdan, Paul Guilfoyle and Eric Szmanda promoted it, though I didn't know that at the time*. My best friend talking my ear off about the original CSI helped, of course ;) Since last week I'm also watching CSI:MI, thanks to Jonathan Togo/Ryan Wolfe who convinced me.
My favourite characters are Greg, Nick, Sofia, Hodges, Danny, Flack, Hawkes, Mac, Stella, Ryan and Calleigh *though I can't really judge after I've only seen clips and one complete ep*.
Aside from watching CSI, I'm addicted to Without a Trace *moderator at the German WaT- Board*, and enjoy watching Lost, House and Bones to wind down from college.
In real life, I'm a final year Arts- student *English and History*, and enjoy reading, writing *slashy fanfic*, snowboarding, friends, movies, going out, and above all, rowing *I'm pretty obsessed with it*.

So... That's me. Not the best introduction, but... Hi, again :)
my name jema
i like watching bones mcbribe lost desparate house wifes midsummer murders without a trace cold case but most of all
here are some of the guys i like ERIC SZMANDA MATT LUTZ AND JONATHAN TOGO and well thats all :)
Hi. This is my first post, so I hope I don't ramble on too much. I watch all of the CSI shows. I am getting a little bored with CSI Miami though. I will never grow tired of Grissom and Sara's romance. I think it's cute. I hope they stay with that story line for a long time. Grissom should have some happiness in his life and I think Sara is the perfect character for it. But does anyone know if their relationship is secret or do the other CSIs know about it? They haven't really shown proof of a relationship except last season's finale and the episode last night when Sara said "I won't wait up". These writers are good because they know that people like me just eat that stuff up. They kind of keep you hanging wondering how serious this relationship is. But it's a great show and I hope they don't change any of the cast members. I don't know if any of you watch Criminal Minds, but I hate it that Elle is gone. She was my favorite. Same with Close to Home. Why did they get rid of AnnaBeth's husband. Even if he did leave to do another show they didn't have to kill him off, he could have had some cameos. He was hot. And I liked Steve better than this new DA. I think these changes might bring the demise of this show. Well I'm getting off the subject. I'm sure I will enjoy chatting with you all. Happy viewing!
Welcome katjo to the LV forum, if you need help with rules we have a "Help Guide" tacked up in this forum to get you started.

Alittle advice, if you want to discuss ships there is the shipper central, the only time ships are discussed in this forum is when in the "Episode Discussion thread" and that ep pertains to a certain ship (not all). We also have a "General Media" discussion forum for all shows that are not CSI. ;)

Again welcome, enjoy the food/drinks and have fun.
Welcome, katjo, jema & loozy! Dest already gave you the drinks and food [shh, it was mine, she didn't have anything left so she just took my drinks and food. Don't tell anyone], so there's nothing left for me to give you. Maybe I can just tell you to have fun posting!
Hi ..I'm newbie
I come from north-east italy (near venice).I'm at college and I study jornalism, I love art, music and books *__*
I love CSI vegas and i like CSI NY ^^ My favourite carachters is Catherine Willows but I love Greg too *___*
I'm a grillows XD and sandle and I like Nick and Sophia paring...thery's so sweet ;)
What else, yep I love make fan-arts and icons ^_^
Nice to meet you ^_______^
Hey, I'm Kitty
How to start? Well, I'm a student in NSW Australia. Iv only just got into csi, like in the past month, but have caught up on youtube.
My fav characters on csi are Catherine, Greg, Warrick and Nick.
I love Catherine and Warrick or Catherine and Nick as couples. I also like GSR and Grillows, just not as much.
I only watch the original CSI, cause its the best!
Umm... In real life I'm sorta like an evil tryant with a soft heart, if that makes sense. Im a fitness fanatic and my friends all say im like Jillian Michaels from the BL, not sure if that's a good thing
But yeah, from what iv read you all seem very friendly.
So, Nice to meet you :)
I am 25 and what my friends call a csi freak. I have all the seasons on dvd and two different board games. I do have a question though. I did miss half of season six and I know my mom bought it for me for xmas(I peeked) please I want to know when did things change between sarah and gil? or was it my imagination that I saw him on a bed and her coming out of the bathroom on the finale
after making some posts in one or the other thread and probably getting Grissom&Sara-Fans mad at me, I figured I'd introduce myself ;)
I am 34. Currently living in my native Germany, though I spent several years in the US before, which is where I warmed up to CSI. I am a chemist and a molecular biologist, with a Ph.D. awarded for work on molecular cancer diagnosis, so I can follow the science quite well as far as it is accurate. I watch all of the CSI shows if I have the time, but haven't quite warmed up to NY as much as to the others yet, though I can't pinpoint the reason.
Welcome OliverH and all other newcomers. Pleased to have ya'll on board. Please read the Help Guide... on Page 1 of this Forum for all sorts of useful information.

Enjoy. :)
Eh... My name is Nathalie and... I'm from Norway.

Yeah, I'm new. Just signed up today. Been a CSI fan for some years though... but this is the first time I've actually seen this forum. CSI is my favorite show... Miami is kind of nice even though I only like two of the characters on that show. The CSI NY... well, I don't like it. Sorry :lol:

Anyway... Sara is my favorite... and... yeah. I'm not to obsessed with the Sara \ Grissom romance thing but, I can't help hoping that maaybe something will happen :devil:
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