Welcome to the FANFICTION LAND!

Hello all,

I'm Luvcsimiami and have been lurking and posting on the CSI Miami and Shipper threads for a while.

I'm thirtysomething :lol: and love CSI (EC) I haven't written fanfiction since my favorite show La Femme Nikita went of the air but I felt the urge coming back in the last few seasons. I've started posting some of my stories over on fanfiction.net


I plan on starting to post a story here that I'm working on and may post more depending on how they are received. So let the writing begin:thumbsup:
=D I love introducing myself XP
Y'all know me as LyzabethSay. I come bearing my website for fanfiction which is unsurprisingly dominated by NY and FA fics. Haven't been writing recently beacuse of exams but i have a whole mega fic planned out for the moment the exams end =)
I dont really know what else to write here.... XP
Hi and bye all you ff writers =D
Hello, I'm a 22 year old fanfiction writer. So far, I've written about 15 CSI: Miami fanfiction stories that are published on the site fanfiction.net. And about another 4 that are just laying idol on my computer. :)
I plan to put some fanfictions on here soon. x
Hey, I'm Daisy (I know, weird name) I haven't written anything down yet but I have huge ideas. I'm from the United of the Kingdom (lol) and I'm 16 this year. I imagine CSI: New York ideas, scenes not whole epsiodes... like just now, I had an idea of- I wont tell you incase someone steals it :S

I'm not sure what to do now... I'll go and tpye out my idea... yep, I'll do that!

Bye xx

If you enjoy action/adventure with a rather twisted plot and are more in novel-length ff, you may wish to check out 'Skin the Wolfe', which is now posted on this site (it also runs on FFnet and CSI-Forensics).

I write straight-forward action and do not ship whatsoever inside CSI Miami's Team, since I believe too much workplace love life is highly unrealistic, so the 'fluff side stories' are a clean Wolfe/Sykes and an even cleaner Tripp/OC, which can be read even by the under 13 years of age.

You may wish to note, that the story starts with Miami 7:20 but will be AU until rejoining 7:25 and continuing through the 'dead hole' until -hopefully- Season 8 of CSI miami will tell us what happened to Delko sometime in Autum 2009.

About me:

I am a professional writer, habitually writing lots of very serious technical books for very serious readers and occasionally publishing historic novels or books on gardening/ herbs in my native language.

I live in France, which is the reason why France plays a role in all my FF (I wrote a bit of HP, while it was still interesting and fun to play with JK Rowling's characters, but gave up with Half-Blood price and the tremendous amount of plot holes in the original).

All my FF are written as either Griffon or DarkGriffon.

I chose Wolfe as my key player, because we have hardly any back history for him in the shows, which allows the author to play nicely around with the character. I have nothing against Horatio, even if in my story he does not get the 'beautiful role' and I must admit, that my favourite CSI Miami rogue is Ivan Sarnoff, also the scriptwriters "under-used" this character and made it in 7:25 too simplistic and unlogic for my taste (Why should he abduct Yelina....there was no plot reason at all for this act of folly....apart getting himself offed by H.:))

So, if you like my story, read and review it. If you hate it, feel free to flame...but enjoy nonetheless....
Hi! I'm not sure why I didn't come to this thread until today. I'm Harper, and I am somewhat addicted to fanfiction, mostly at FFnet and WMTDB, though I'm spending more time at the Wonderful World of MakeBelieve, CSI-Forensics and LJ as well lately.

I am in love with English, the written word and all it entails, though I only got into writing fiction recently. I started writing fanfiction almost exactly a year ago and got very quickly addicted (much thanks to the lovely LLK's wonderful encouragement :)). Since then, I've spent wayyy more time than I should on it, ending up with about 300k words in the last year.

I'm a long-fic girl at heart, and my current baby is 'Se Salva,' which is now up to 160kish words, with 2 new 5k and 6k installments, respectively, about to be posted. I write CSI:Vegas, and Greg is probably my favorite character. I'm pretty open when it comes to shipping. If Greg is involved, then I'll much read it, provided he is not in a relationship with a one-dimensional Mary-Sue type character. Ending a sentence in a preposition always sounds like cat claws on chalkboard to me, and I firmly believe in the power of correctly placed punctuation. I am an obsessive copy-editor and have done a decent deal of SAT (that's the big college entrance exam here in the U.S.) prep in the past, which involves a lot of grammatical rules. I also used to beta quite a bit, but have limited it significantly in recent months, as I realized I'm almost always too short on time and/or too lazy. I do, however, still leave really, really long copy-editing type ConCrit reviews.
Hi everyone!
I'm new to fan fiction, but I've been a fan of Miami for almost four years!
As you can see from my picture there(Lancelot Knighted) I'm a hopeless romantic! Haha!
Welcome to all new members!

I added the winning banner to the first post of this thread. Congrats again to Dragonfly on the win. :)
hey im sharp52092 u can call me sharp for short
love fanfic i only read csi
i started out on cbs.com/csi then found fanfiction.net
after cbs like changed everything on the forum i just read in ff.net
im reading consequences, a precious child, and a promise to keep
anyone reading any of those right now
Hi, I'm Bekah. I had been writing CSI fan fiction for about 3 years until this past year. When Sara left I really had no motivation to write and ended up deleting all of my stories on ff.net. I really regret it now, but at the time I didn't think I'd be coming back to CSI; and I was on a soap opera kick, so I filled my account with those stories. But now I'm lovin' CSI again, so I can't wait to fill my account with CSI stories.

I don't know how well y'all remember fics, but I've written one called "Hide and Seek", about Nick and Sara getting kidnapped; eventually being saved by the team. (GSR, not Snickers though.)

Back in the day I use to write a ton of Karaoke fics, those have always been a personal favorite to read and write. :lol:

I have a few ideas for new fics, I'm just trying to get all of my thoughts in order on Word before I publish anything for the whole world to see. :)
Hi folks, I'm Marta or hammer

I LOVE fanfics, I mainly read and write (well...ok, at least I try to write) CSI:NY related fics more precisely Smacked (don't look at me that way, it's not my fault if TPTB doesn't give us some good smacked moments -except for one or two in 6 seasons- so I feel compelled to fill that lack with fics lol)

anyway I have few ideas for more fics, i just have to bring myself to type it...yeah I'm lazy, I know but I'll do my best, promise.

that's all.....I think.....hope you'll like what I write =)
Hi I'm Alisha aka 915

I'm 19 and I've been on the site for four years now and I just got into writing fanfics, even though I've been reading them for years. So I currently only have one fanfic going right now. Most of the stuff I'm going to write is going to be angst because I don't think I'd write humor or happy stuff very well and I'm kind of addicted to reading angst stuff too. LV is the only one of the CSIs I feel comfortable enough writing right now. I have the link to my fanfic in the showcase/request/recommendations thread so if you guys feel like it you can check it out. I would love to get your opinions on it since it is my first one. :)
My name is Liz, but I'm better known around the net as Jag Lady (My husband of 23 years is a retired JAG sergeant with the U.S. Army).

I've been fanfic writing on fanfiction.net for 2 years as of this month. I've always loved writing in some form or fashion, but two years ago I found myself itching to start fanfic writing for CSI Miami. At that time I had lost 4 loved ones in a 6-month period. It ended up being WONDERFUL therapy as well as good writing practice. I've worked with computers since 1985. Out of that came my Emmie Stockburne/Wolfe series. I've also written some stories for JAG and CSI NY.

Because of my proximity to politicians, attorneys and the military justice system, most of my stories will have a military or political bent to them. My twisted, off-the-wall sense of humor has been my way of dealing with military life and politicians, so many of my writings will be comedy as well.

It's been said that the day you stop learning is the day you die. I believe that's true. The things I have learned about fanfic as well as people in general in these last two years would fill a whole bookshelf.

There are some things I hope to take to a new level in the coming year. For example, I'm semifluent in Italian and French, and I'm hoping to start with at least some 100-word drabbles in those two languages.