Welcome to the FANFICTION LAND!

Hi everyone , Im Gemma now known as Probie 83 , Like CSICHICK I hail from the United Kingdom , I havent started writing my fanfic , I have a few ideas , hopefully my fanfics will be based on CSI : New York . Can I just say that this site is absolutely brilliant .:)
WHAT is a FANFIC If I may ask from what I see it is "story writing" please help me understand?

Yes, it's stories written by fans. Things they would like to see happen on the show. Here are the defintions given on dictionary.com :


fiction written by fans of a TV series, movie, etc., using existing characters and situations to develop new plots.

Fiction written by fans as an extension of an admired work or series of works, especially a television show, often posted on the Internet or published in fanzines.
Hi, fellow fanfic writers. I haven't written a fanfic in awhile but I love to read and help out others with their fanfics. I'm can't wait to see what you guys are writing about. :)
hello everyone!
i'm currently writing two fanfics. i already posted first one on ff.net but a newbie mistake happened and i got whole 22 chapters on one page:) what a shame.
but then i decided its even more compatible with mobile users.
today i'll probably post my other fanfic somewhere
Greetings fellow CSI aficionados!

I'm 'officially' rather new to the fanfic community as I've only posted a couple of them online so far but really, I've been doing it for years as a stress-release sort of hobby. I love expanding on established canons and I love reading all the different storylines people come up with (looking forward to exploring this site for your works).

I've written some stuff for the 'Firefly' series but have yet to upload anything, I've stuck with CSI, focusing on good old Greg Sanders. I (like a lot of you, I'm sure) have always been disappointed they haven't provided much in the way of personal stories for Greg, let alone a decent love interest, so I just jumped in and started scratching some stuff out myself. I have a lot of fun with it.

I'm new so I'm still not sure if it's considered poor form to post a link to my work in a thread, but my Fanfiction link is on my profile.

So that's my first ever post on this site. Looking forward to discussions around here.
Hello fellow Fanficcers!

I've been writing fanfics for what feels like years, for different tv shows (mainly one that is popular over in the UK, but unfortunately I lost all my work, doh!) and have dipped my toe into CSI before, but without much success. Having watched a bit more of the series now, I have written my first Wedges fanfic - I think I'd need to have a look in more depth to some of the other episodes before I could write one realistically about the other characters (even though I've watched all the series so far, I'm pretty forgetful!)

I hope it's okay to post my latest offering up :)
Hey guys, I'm Yulia and I'm from lil Zealand.

I've been writing for several years, and I love it! I mostly write CSI and CSI Miami. I mostly write a lot of slash and femslash. But occaisionally I do write some straight stuff, if only to keep my friends happy :D

I also love doing cross-overs. My most recent one was CSI and Pirates of the Carribean :D

Mostly I post my stuff on Fanfiction.net : http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1774532/Spy_Pup
Hi my name is Jocelyn and I'm from New Jersey, USA. I write mostly CSI: Miami fanfiction about Ryan Wolfe, and CSI: NY fanfiction about Mac Taylor. I create my own opposing characters usually instead of pairing up characters. You can find my stories at these links. WARNING: my ratings are M on most of my writing so just to be sure you are forwarned.


"House Of Cards" is my CSI: Miami fanfiction about Ryan Wolfe, the first of many to come.


"Your Fault" is one of two one-shots for CSI: NY.


"Tiffany Blue" is the second of the one-shots for CSI: NY.

I do hope you enjoy my writing, anonymous Fanfiction.net reviews are available and are most welcome. And if you have an account even better! :hugegrin:
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Welcome to the site and to the fanfic board, Jocelyn. :)

I had to edit your post because if your fics have an M rating, you're only supposed to post the link to your fanfic profile rather than the links to the actual fics (because of the fact that we have some young members here). So, I placed the link to your profile in the post and removed the story links, but left the story titles.
Hi, I’m Brii, I’m from Chicago. I’m kinda new to the fanfic thing, I used to be notoriously anti fanfic, but then I needed a creative outlet and before I even had a chance to stop and think about it, I was editing a 126+ page (don’t freak out, I double spaced it to feel like I was actually accomplishing something) CSI:NY fanfic with a slightly bemused look on my face. I’m just wondering, where do we post fanfic on this site? Do we post it straight to the forum or is there another place we post it?
I'm not that new to fan fics well i started in 2007 and been writing them since and just working on a new one but wondering where it goes tho.
Hey Im Natasha and I'm 11 and I'm starting to write GSR and Sandle storys iv not dun any yet and i hav no idea where 2 upload thm lol. ps im a newbie so...