Welcome to the FANFICTION LAND!

lostladyknight said:
So I was wanting to post a poll to find out what you all thought of the names I've selected for Nick's future children for my fic. I've also got questions about Greg's but... that's not quite as pressing. Anyway can I post a poll and if I can how do I go about doing something like that. If I can't... that's cool thanks for letting me know.

Well I think you can do your poll and it's easy: you just have to check the line "add a poll to this post" while you're making a new post (btw for "total question" let the "1" written) then you just have to click on "continue" and you'll be able to write your question and the answers ;)

Good luck :D
Hi everybody!!! I'm Sissi and I am currently writing a bunch of CSI: Miami songfics that I thought I would post here. My latest one is "Lips of an Angel - a Talleigh fic" and I love reviews. And cons. crit. :)
Well, I think I'll be very happy here. :)

Hi guys, I'm a long time fanfic writer who unfortunately hasn't gotten the opportunity to write many CSI fics, but I am currently working on a Snickers fic set after Living Doll. I would LOVE to write an M&M fic, but I'm waiting for the inspiration.

Anyhoo, if anyone's interested, I'll get to posting that Snickers fic here sometime soon. Bye for now.
Hey everyone...new to this thread and writing fanfics, but not new to this site. I am more of an artist then writer BUT be that as it may, I do have several fics written...though one of which can not be mentioned for its rating.

I have attempted my first slash not to long ago, and posted it up, early in the week just past. I do enjoy reading some slash related fics even though I am not a huge slash fan (some are very well written), but I couldn't resist the challenge of writing one myself, and now that I have one under my belt, I have started on another...and have ideas for more.

Making Sense of a Good Situation with a hodges/sanders pairing. would love some feedback, seeing its my first attempt...good and bad! Thanks!
I have just recently posted my fanfic on here. I have been at fanfiction.net for a while now though. I was really nervous about posting here, but I did hehehe.

I will enjoy reading your work, guys.

Welcome to our newest members, hope you'll enjoy the section. I'm one of the mod over here, you can PM me for anything ;)
Just seconding the welcome to all the new members, I am the other mod in this section. Same applies, PM me if there are any problems.

Sissi is quicker I am sure. (Winks, thanks for having my back since life keeps me hopping. I am watching when I have spare moments.)
Howdy. I am Keri from (you guessed it) Texas. I am a thirty-something wife,mom and CSI freak. I love love love GSR. I just started writing fan fics and I am PiperG at fanfiction.net. I have 7 stories so far.
Hi, everyone! :) I'm 22 years old, going on 23 next January. Just thought I'd pimp out my fanfic on here. ;)

I've written only 2 stories so far. Here is my CSI:NY fic: Morgan (Formerly known as Subtlety)

I had to use the pen name Nariel Tinuviel, because Lessien Tinuviel was already taken...^^

Basically, this story came out of an idea: What if Danny Messer had a little sister? What would she be like? Hence, the main character of my story is essentially the OC (original character) of Danny's younger sister, whom I've named Morgan; with much focus on Danny and Flack as well. The rest of the team is also featured, and I've worked in actual episode plotlines and cases within my fanfic. :)

I'd love to hear what you guys think of my story.
Hi there! I'm a fan fiction writer mainly for CSI: Miami and New York, given I know those two best, and I'm here on the idea to try and get some new feedback for fan fictions I've posted on a little site we lovingly know as fanfiction.net. I've snooped and tings, but this is really my first time posting. XD First one I think I'm going to put up is a huge fave of mine I'm working on: "Muffins For All!", a fluffy CSI: Miami story. Love to here your replies!
Welcome PiperGrissom, Lessien_Tinuviel and Shining_Zephyr. :D

I'm looking forward to seeing y'alls stories. :)
Posted on the 15th of December over on fanfic....a little Christmas story involving our labrats from Vegas and the wedges ship that is brewing...if you're interested, you can find it here:

secret santa

Hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays to all!

OH, and it's rated T so all is good...:lol: