Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

Welcome back Meg :D

Ok I know I have posted in the odd thread but.....Since I am no longer comitted to any challenges I will be taking a break from ALL fanart. I need to focus more on my studies for the next few months so I've forced myself to do this and I couldn't leave this whole board- I'd go nuts! :eek: lol But I will be back in July....probably back to Beginner level!!

I'll miss the challenges but I do hope that if Meg and Vera need any help, like before, then you won't heisitate to ask :D Oh and i'll of course be popping in to vote....I wouldn't dare not to!!

Natty x
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Welcome back, Meg...hope you had a great time!! Good to have you back!!

Nat again (I don't know how many times I've said this or will say this) good luck with your exam...just relax, take easy don't get too stressed and worked up about it..and if you need to talk or need some help *coughs*yeah right*coughs* you know where to find me!!...just relax the exam are the easy part results day is the hard part...I can't imagine how you'll be then! :lol:
So I am here but maybe out of fan art making for awhile. My copmuter crashed today and I lost EVERYTHING. I had to do a system recovery or something like that...but anyways I have to reinstall all my software. I will also have to find and reload all my brushes, fonts, textures, etc. It will take some time to find and reload everything. I know I owe some people requests......I will get to those as soon as I can. happy icon making!
Oh noes! Kat I feel with you, that sucks beyond all measure!
If you need help finding all your lost stuff, you know where to cry out for support. *hugs* Be back soon! :)
Awwww! Sorry to hear that Kat! :(

That sucks I feel for you, this has happened to me and I know how annoying it is...

But don't worry I be able to wait...hope you can get your computer working and back in order soon :) ...
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Aww Kat I know how you feel...worst thing ever! I can start looking for stuff for you...I have 3 days off of work have to do something. Just let me know anything special that you might need.

*hugs and sends Ryan plushie*
well hello.
i'm more wacky than crazy for an artist :p
but i'm in love with art. and i'm in love with csi. so when you put those 2 together i find out you get fanart! i'l looking forwards to trying everything.
so far i can only do still images ((havn't figured out animated yet :p))
oh! and my name is kelsey. i dont care what you call me and i live in Wisconsin.
also 15. hahah.
lol wacky is as good as crazy, so welcome to the Fan Art Forum, CSIsPuddingCup, er... Kelsey! :D
Have fun in here and start off showing us your stuff, we're pretty curious folks ;)
Hey, I'm Gabriele an I live in Munich(which, i guess explains my awful grammar :D, ).
Well, i have no idea what to tell you about me. I'm realy bad in things like that :D

But if anyone has any question, feel free to ask!
Welcome aboard Gabriele! :D
Your grammar is just fine - as far as I can judge it, I'm from Münster (NRW) :lol:

Have fun in here and whenever you have a question: watch out for DragonflyDreamer or myself - cinegirl or just Vera or check out the Fan Art Guide and place your question in there - everyone is cuddle-worthy and very helpful in here, hehe...
school started again :(
won't be able to post a lot anymore, final exams are nest week (Business English)
and the rest (business admistration, accountancy, computer science et cetera) next moth

need to study a lot :( (which I basically know i won't be doing a lot)
few hour of memorizing is much easier :D and will also do it
Hey guys!

I just wanted to say bye to all of you as I'm going to Spain for 2 months on Saturday. I'll really miss seeing all your great new icons, posting in the Fan Art Forum and most of all I'm gonna miss you guys!!! Maybe I'll find a way to sneak in once in a while and have a very short look...

Take care and never stop making icons! :lol: See you in 8 weeks :)