Was Danny abused as a child?

^Good point. Mac was hard on Danny, and Danny's first reaction is to patch everything up. Granted, Danny's behavior was wrong, but you bring up a good point that Danny's "are we okay?" is kind of like an abused child running back to the parent who has mistreated him. Danny's trying to make peace and make it up to Mac.
I was reading a review from 'a man a mile' i'm not sure if its true because i haven't seen it but it does mention about Danny and how the others treat him. It suggests that mac and stella see danny as an insubordinate but aiden as an equal.

Quote from: http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/a_man_a_mile.shtml
'While Stella treats Mac as a superior officer (albeit one she feels close to as a friend) and treats Danny as a subordinate, she and Aiden interact as equals on this case.'

And then it mention:
'When Danny uncovers a major clue, Stella praises him like a school teacher, but with Aiden, Stella seems to admire the woman's ease in interacting with witnesses.'

So i don't really blame Danny for not trusting the others that much if they treat him differently.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen that episode and I can’t really remember if Stella ‘praised him like a school teacher,’ though I do think she was tougher on Danny at the start of the season. It would hardly be surprising that she gets on better with Aiden though. They are both strong intelligent women working in what is probably still a male dominated working environment.

I wonder if people treat Danny differently because they are subconsciously picking up on his cowed body language, fidgety and defensive behaviour. Although Mac went ahead and employed Danny, the warning he got might have also affected his dealings with Danny. He probably wasn’t doing it deliberately but we don’t know how he was treating Danny in the previous years. Maybe that was why Danny was so shocked that Mac suddenly gave Danny the lead in ‘Outside Man’. Maybe up until that point Mac had never given any indication that he trusted Danny to that level.
I wonder that too...

It's just, I don't think Danny's got a lot of confidence. It could be b/c of his mistakes and how Mac reacted, and he's always afraid he'll make a mistake because he's made a fair few already... and also, knowing that people were telling Mac not to bother taking him couldn't possibly boost his ego, now could it?

Mac basically inferring that he had regerets about hiring Danny after the cop shooting, must have been murder on Danny. Imagine you have trust issues, now imagine your supervisor telling you they regret your hiring? Do you think things are going to get better? What the hell was Mac thinking? He certainly wasn't thinking about Danny as an employee? He certainly wasn't behaving like a supervisor
You are so right about that! Mac should have kept this information to himself. If Danny's insecure about anything for whatever reason (hope we'll find out in S2), a comment like that sure as hell didn't help at all.

Danny already felt bad about shooting the cop, this was just like kicking a dog when he's down.

Still everything happens for a reason, and TPTB undoubtedly already have the bigger picture in mind.
I agree. Danny doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in himself or others.

Mac's comment was out of order because surely he should know (working with him for about 3-5 years) that Danny would be upset by that.

Season 2 is going to be great. I can't wait to find out if were close.

I've just realised, i've made about 220 posts, that is so weird, it doesn't seem that many. :)
I agree with Udjat--Mac telling Danny that he was told not to hire him was like kicking him when he was down. I actually felt like Danny got kicked a lot in the episode. The IAB guy was cruel to him after the interview and then Mac yelled at him right after that. Did you guys notice Danny didn't say a word?

Danny just seems kind of beaten down throughout that whole episode. It's like he's already defeated--he wants to tell his side of the story because he's so convinced that people will think the worst of him. And when things start to go badly, he just takes it. Like deep down, he internalizes and believes everything people are saying about him. I just felt so bad for him in that episode.
I know. I spent the whole episode feeling so bad for him. He just wanted to tell his side of the story and have someone believe him. The scene where Mac gets onto him after he talks to the IAB guy was heartbreaking. He just looked like he wanted to cry. It was like he wanted to speak up, but just couldn't say anything.
The fact that Mac brought up the background on Danny's hiring may also go along way towards validating Danny's belief that he is alone. Not to mention helping, in his mind, give credence to his mistrust in his co-workers, specifically Mac.

All through "On the Job" I just kept thinking of Danny as a victim: of circumstance, of his own bad decisions, of his own inability to trust others, and of Mac's insensitivity/inability to properly read him.
Ah the eternal question...what is wrong with Danny...okay maybe it's not eternal but it's a good question...I should have joined this thread a long time ago...kmfx and I have been mulling over the reason for Danny being Danny for a long time now.

It's interesting because Danny seems to have a problem trusting everyone, even those who give him no reason not to trust them. Plus he seems to think that the whole world is out to get him (and sometimes it looks like it is) which leads me to believe that he very well could have been abused, but by who is the question.

When comes to Mac I'm torn...see cause on one side I love Mac and in the begining he seemed to encourage the mentor thing with Danny...but then after Tanglewood and On the Job Mac seemed to want to pull away...like he desperately wanted to trust Danny, but he couldn't...

I didn't understand why Mac told Danny that he was told not to hire him...it just seemed like it was kicking the poor guy while he was down already...and then telling him he's off the promotion grid...wow it just stung...

Anyway that's my thoughts off the top of my head having not had the chance to thoroughly read through all your posts...so if I repeated stuff...I do apologise...I truly LOVE Danny's character...it's so complex and mysterious...:D
i agree dream. what you said about mac pulling away from danny after tanglewood. Thats what makes me think there is a connection with the tanglewood gang.

Danny's been rebellious throughout the season from what i can gather but things just really started getting out of hand after tanglewood.

He does seem to take the critizism and get on with. That may could be from abuse. He's learned that there is no use fighting back in those kind of situations because there's no point.

I also felt really sorry for Danny in 'on the job'.Danny seems very defensive in that episode like in other episodes when he's getting told off. He seems to see the whole world against him.
The strange thing about Danny is he's defensive, but by the end of the episode, he seems like he's totally beaten down. Look at how he yelled at the cops in the beginning of the episode. Flack had to intervene for fear that something would get started.

Then look at Danny towards the end of the episode. Hilbourn, Mac, and then Mac again all chew him out in rapid succession, and Danny just takes it. It made me feel really bad for him. He'd totally given up; even when he was giving his testimony to IAB, he had a fatalistic air to him, like he'd already lost but he just had to tell his story anyway.
He'd totally given up; even when he was giving his testimony to IAB, he had a fatalistic air to him, like he'd already lost but he just had to tell his story anyway.

It seems like Danny isn't use to being heard. He feels a great need to tell his story, and maybe as much to hear himself as for other people to listen. Danny acts out at times like a child who is often neglected and left to his own devices.

In thinking about "On the Job", is it in my mind or did it actually occur that they never found Danny's other bullet, I can't believe Mac would give up on that search. I mean technology is pretty advanced, and the team has been tenacious about less. I truly belive Mac thought the worst of Danny from the beginning of the episode and never veered from that path. Some of the looks Mac gave Danny were so resigned and screamed look at what you've done now, I'm not suprised by Danny's defeated stance by episodes end.

I think Danny experienced a fair share of neglect when he was litle, and his dogged pursuit of everything is a way to be seen and noticed. He seems to equate failure with emotional pain and maybe physical as well.
