Wallpapers; Putting hands together


CSI Level Three
Okay now,
I got the go ahead from Cinegirl and Wyoming for a new thread. So let me explain the the meaning of this thread.

First I got the idea for this new thread when Bullet_Girl posted a wallpaper in the WP-thread 5. She put in a wall without text, brushes etc.
Then I learned that some people are having trouble with loading brushes in their photoprogramms. And I came up with following: why not help each other with adjustments?

This thread is not going to be a challenge! We allready have this thread made by DragonflyDreamer. It’s just putting hands together, helping others and come up with great art.

How is this going to work?
1. It will be a weekly thread, which goes from Saturday to Saturday (don’t ask me why I choose Saturday).
2. The first entry on Saturday will be the wallpaper to work with for the whole week. Like I said this is no challenge, so if you have entered a wall, give someone else the chance to post theirs.
3. The wallpaper your upload may only consist textures en photos. Using effects is allowed, but no text and brushes (we want to improve, don’t we?).
4. Furthermore there are no rules, just be creative and have fun!

For example the wallpaper Bullet_Girl made and the adjustments I made.

Bullet_Girl: http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x251/Joolsies-album/Emily1.jpg
CSISenna: http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x251/Joolsies-album/Emily2.jpg

So to start of, this will be the first wallpaper to work with.

Have fun everyone!
Maybe a am a bit a dump person but i was wondering does it matter wich program you use and i've i want to be helped and so on do i have the wallpaper you made with
Calleigh and the roses? Sorry for being a bit dump my english isnt that great with reading, dont get everything right away.. *blushes*
Sorry Berylla Nienna, can't exactly figure out what you mean, if you tell me which country you're from, maybe I can help you in your own language. Just PM me!
ok - whoever made that banner....can you explain how you did that? Thanks!
I think this is a fantastic idea. And looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to see what I can come up with when I have a bit more time :)
That's correct. You can post your walls here untill Saturday. I hope someone else then will give us 'homework' for the next week.
Very pretty, DragonflyDreamer. :) I was wondering when someone would actually do something to that rose wallpaper.
Ok - first - this was beautiful!
I love this idea.....but as a newbie to fan art.....I have some thoughts....
I thought the wallpaper was beautiful as it was and I thought - what more could be done other then adding some text? I am still learning what these programs have to offer.
so I had some ideas to run by you all.
1) for those more advanced - what else would you have done?
2) maybe we should start the next one with just a picture and nothing on it......force us to start thinking creative from the beginning. Because when I saw that wallpaper - to me it looked like it could be done and needed nothing else added. If I am out of line - I apologize.