Wallpaper Thread #6

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dstined4gr8ness-awesome walls

csisenna-love the H as you know. lol

Here are some Greg walls I did for someone.

Great wall girls.
Katpin, where did ya get that font in the Miami-men wall? Love it.
Want to make some more today, just don't know how with a major hangover. :lol:
Nice wall kaylyne love the texture. Can Iask where you got it?

Katpin, where did ya get that font in the Miami-men wall? Love it.

CSISenna the fonts from my PS program & love your wall as well.

I sure could get addicted to all these gorgeous walls. None from me at the moment. Got to get ready for my 7 yr old granddaughters b/day party soon. Oh btw CSISenna hope you're feeling better.
hi guys i have had the day from hell, but i can tell you ,you have cheered me up with all your gorgeous wallpapers im hoping to have one up later :)
Great job everyone!!

I am still not very motivated....so I decided to work on my blending....so here is one of Greg

and here is one I made by request a few days ago
*gasp* Tyler wall! I love it! Mitzi, where did you get the pics you used for it? I can never find good ones of him.
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