Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Results!
Wallpaper Challenge #20: Results
Beginner Level
First Place: by SandleDL
Second Place: by SandleDL
Third Place: by nattybatty55
Recognition Award:
Intermediate Level
First Place: by CSI_Kat and by CalleighD
Second Place: by CSI_Kat
Third Place: by CalleighD
Recognition Award:
Advanced Level
First Place: by BonaTaylor
Second Place: by BonaTaylor
Third Place: by BonaTaylor
Recognition Award:
Overall Best Blending:
I'm so impressed with every wallpaper that was entered this round. Beautiful work. As always, congratulations to all of our winners. If you want a banner, please send me a PM.
Also, a question. If I decide (which I haven't yet) to change how I do the recognition awards, what would you like to see them given out for?
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Results!
Wow, I wasn't expecting this! Great start into the day!
And I'm glad that my favourites won, too! Congrats to the winners, and everyone else simply because it was such a hard decision, everyone did a great job imo!
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Results!
Congrats to all the winners!
This was one of those challenges where I was quite pleased with what I'd done, until I saw all the entries and was totally blown away by what everyone else had done. Fabulous work, everyone!