Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

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Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Such a cool theme! I am sooooo in! :D

LOVE IT DragonflyDreamer! You have so cool ideas! :)
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

I'm so glad everyone likes the theme :) I wasn't sure if you would or not.
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

well as soon as I saw the new theme, I was inspired and within 30 minutes....had my first of three WP's done....imagination that :lol: Now I am half way through the 2nd. The creative juices are a flowin'
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Yeah, I've been doing a lot of color experimentation in my icons and such recently, so it was really nice to take a step back from that and do a nice COLORLESS wallpaper, lol.

I already can't wait to see the other entries :p
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Oh my! Can I just repeat once more that this is such a GREAT theme! Usually it takes me sometime to come up with sth at all, but this time, I am already done with my second one! Like DJRideOut said... the creative juices are flowing and... if I might add... the muse is french kissing! :lol: ;) XD

Gosh, this is such a PERFECT theme. :D

BIG Kudos once again to Megan for coming up with it.

Can't wait to see the rest of the entries! :D
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

just one little question: could i mashup sepia and B&W effect in one wallpaper? thanks
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Um... yes, I suppose you can do that if you want.
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

One week everyone! Keep those entries coming!
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Done and sent in. I can't believe I managed to get 3 done. It's a new personal record for me..:lol:! Can't wait to see what everyone else got done. Good luck all!
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

Okay, Poll Time!

I need to know how you guys would prefer to have the voting set up. With icons and banners, it's simple. But wallpapers don't fit so easily on the screen. So here are your options:
1) I can continue to put up text links as I have been previously.
2) I can put up thumbnails, like I do for the winners. I have considered this previously, but I was afraid people would only click on the ones that they thought looked interesting... what do you think?
3) I can set up the wallpapers on a livejournal and provide the link, as I have done when people have had trouble viewing photobucket.
4) Got another suggestion? Let me know.

Oh, and people... I need more entries! I don't have nearly enough as it is.
Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up!

I've sent one in, I've never done wallpepers before so I didn't know where to start. this is an awesome challenge though :D
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