Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!
Well now, this thread is at 970 posts. It doens't feel like I should open a new thread yet, but I don't want to cut it off in the middle of a challenge. So, I've come up with a solution. Well, I don't know how much of a solution it actually is, but I'd like to do it anyway. And perhaps the mods would be kind enough to let this thread stay open until it's done?

And so I present to you:
Wallpaper Challenge ~Reruns~
What this means:
1] Send me you wallpapers (from previous challenges) that did
not win. I must ask that 'win' includes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and recognition awards
2] You may send me up to three entries, as usual.
3] Wallpapers should be entered in the same category as they were before. Depending on how many I get, I may not even use them. We'll see.
4] If you cannot find your old wallpapers, pm me which challenge it's from, and which number in that challenge. I should still have it somewhere. (and the old challenge links should still be working)
5] I realize that many of you show your work off in the wallpaper thread after the challenges. If that is the case, don't worry about it. I'll let it slide for this round. However, that doesn't mean that once the voting goes up, you can say "mine is #45!"
6] You have until
Friday, June 1st, 6pm GMT to get them in. I know that isn't a lot of time, but since you aren't actually making anything, it should be okay.
7] I will not be giving out recognition awards for this, as you really haven't done anything new
Once the voting is complete, we will continue with
Wallpaper Challenge #12 in a new thread.