Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

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Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

Oh,I like the recycling idea but I've already posted my non winners wps on the wps thread or on my lj so I don't think it's any fair for me to submit them again but I'll vote. ;)
Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

ah shucks cant enter this one, as i had a recognition award and only entered the one, still, cant wait to see the others and vote, and cant wait till the next challenge :D
Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

Cool idea! :cool:
As I've entered every challenge but two and I usually enter more than one wall, I have a few to choose from - I'm sending my fave ones in now.
Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

i am thinking about entering for the first time but seeing what you guys can do...i think i am going to have to practice a lot more before i do :lol:
Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

Err. Now I have to go back and see if I can find any of my wallpapers. I used to keep them, but I JUST recently deleted them all. I'll have to see if I have any in my imageshack or photobucket :eek: Great challenge though :)
Re: Wallpaper Challenge Reruns!

I wasn't going to give this challenge a number, but seeing as everyone else is... how about we call it 11.5 instead of 12? ;)

Wallpaper Challenge Reruns Voting

Voting Rules:
1] Don't vote for yourself. Also, don't tell anyone which one is yours, or that they should vote for them. Now, I know that some of these have made their way into the wallpaper thread, or onto the artist's LiveJournal or such. That's okay, for this round only!
2] Vote for three in each category. Vote for your favorite first, then second favorite, then third. It is very important that you do it this way.
3] Please vote in both categories. Also, don't be worried about voting agianst yourself, everyone else is!
4] Please be sure to look at ALL of them before choosing!
5] Voting will close Sunday, June 3rd (gosh, is it June already?) I know that isn't a lot of time, but I feel confident we can get enough votes by then.

Wallpaper 01
Wallpaper 02
Wallpaper 03
Wallpaper 04
Wallpaper 05
Wallpaper 06
Wallpaper 07
Wallpaper 08
Wallpaper 09
Wallpaper 10
Wallpaper 11
Wallpaper 12
Wallpaper 13
Wallpaper 14

Wallpaper 01
Wallpaper 02
Wallpaper 03
Wallpaper 04
Wallpaper 05
Wallpaper 06
Wallpaper 07
Wallpaper 08
Wallpaper 09
Wallpaper 10
Wallpaper 11

Good luck everyone!
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