sienna said:
my presentation will be in about 3 weeks or something but i'm alredy doing research .. like today i spent 3 hours on the peta site. and what i found out was horrible but it really opened my eyes ..
i suggest you look elsewhere then just peta the things they show you are the minority of cases. id hazard a guess and say that more companion animals suffer abuse and mistreatment than those in the food industry. does peta harrass pet owners? eta through some research, apparently they do :lol:
peta also isnt innocent, they commit many of the actions they protest again. they chain themselves to animal shelters to protest euthenasia, but when they take in stray animals they put down more than they adopt out. they fire bomb research facilities but the vice president of peta is diabetic and takes insulin. i dont blame her, diabetes is a horrible way to die. but ill leave those issues to the animal testing thread if anyone is interested.
back to animal welfare, you should look at peer reviewed scientific publications. those papers are put up against high levels of scrutiny and you will get facts free of bias and propaganda. unlike the info you get from peta