Vegetarian thread

i respect the choices people make, but i don't think i could ever be a vegitarian/ vegan because plants are in some aspect alive as well, even if they can't talk or move around. So if killing is why people don't eat meat/ dairy products i couldn't become vegitarian/ vegan because i believe that plants are in a sense living to.
I'm thinking about going fully vegetarian, but chances are I'm just going to cut the red meat out of my diet. After reading Fast Food Nation it's kind of put me off of beef, and I rarely eat pork anyways.

This would be purely for the health aspect, of course. While I feel a bit guilty about the way cattle are treated, I don't feel bad enough to stop eating them for that.
I feel that way too. I mean it's bad that they are treated that way, but I still eat them.

I don't think I could be a vegitarian because I love seafood too much, and don't believe that you can be vegiterian but still eat fish.
Showtime said:
This would be purely for the health aspect, of course. While I feel a bit guilty about the way cattle are treated, I don't feel bad enough to stop eating them for that.

If you buy local meat and you know the farms and know how those are treated. I'm sorry but I don't like the generalising here that all who have cows treat them badly because we surely don't and same goes in here most of dairy cattles and beefcattles as well.

We are stuck with them 24/7. We feed them, milk them, we clean so they have nice place to rest, good food to eat and enough water. We call vet when they are ill, we try our best when we see there's trouble, we help with calving when cow cannot deliver the calf on their own.

Yes, there is people who treat cattle badly but I'm sure, at least here in western countries, cattle is treated extremely well.
i know even on intensive farms in canada with thousands of cows they are treated well. first of all its illegal not to, and when youre selling them for food if they are not treated well the meat is not good and you wont get any money.

i do have a question since someone brought up eating only fish. i had a friend who tried to claim she was a vegetarian but ate fish saying they didnt have a spinal cord. and i was like what? they do, and shellfish have nervous systems too. so what is the theory behind no meat but fish is ok?

she now doesnt eat fish but is very careful about what she eats. i know my friends dad and step mom dont eat red meat or pork, and its obvious their 7 year old daughter is anemic. when my friend lived there eating their food she became anemic too. its funny becuase her step mom is a doctor. you have to be aware of what youre giving up because you may need to supplement it.
DaWacko said:
Showtime said:
This would be purely for the health aspect, of course. While I feel a bit guilty about the way cattle are treated, I don't feel bad enough to stop eating them for that.

If you buy local meat and you know the farms and know how those are treated. I'm sorry but I don't like the generalising here that all who have cows treat them badly because we surely don't and same goes in here most of dairy cattles and beefcattles as well.

We are stuck with them 24/7. We feed them, milk them, we clean so they have nice place to rest, good food to eat and enough water. We call vet when they are ill, we try our best when we see there's trouble, we help with calving when cow cannot deliver the calf on their own.

Yes, there is people who treat cattle badly but I'm sure, at least here in western countries, cattle is treated extremely well.

Free range cattle is treated fairly well, yes, but the ones sent to the largest meatpacking companies - Monfort, Excel and IBP - are not, and the grocery stores I shop at only provide local meat at higher costs.

I don't feel like typing out a huge explanation of what most modern slaughterhouses/meatpacking factories are like, so (if you're interested) I'll direct you to this: an article on conditions in such factories, by Eric Schlosser

EDIT: allmaple, I know that such practices are illegal, but the companies make money off of them and rarely punished for it. I'm not saying all places are this way -- some meatpacking plants are completely revolutionary, all stainless steel, mechanised and test the meat once every 15 seconds. Some are on the opposite side of the spectrum.

The problem I have is that I don't know which one I'm getting it from, and it's not a chance I want to take.
My aunt and my cousin are both vegetarians. I totally don't care, any time I'm with them it's acutally kind of cool, because I end up eating all the fake meat stuff for vegetarians, and I actually don't mind some of it. To be honest some of it tastes like rubber, but some things taste really good.

My aunt and cousin actually classify themselves as "vegetarians that don't eat anything with a voice box" so they can still eat sea food. It kinda gets to me sometimes, because fish were living at a point too.

And another thing that bothers me about my aunt, is that she's a vegetarian and always talks to me about eating animals is cruel (which it is, but I know even if I tried I couldn't stop eating meat) but yet, she goes out and buys leather hand bags and shoes and a bunch of leather stuff! Isn't that kind of the exact same thing, you're just not eating it.
see that makes no sense to me :confused: a 'voice box' is a larynx, all vertebrates have one. its just the structure and position of the hyoid bone that determines if sound can or cannot be produced. i guess inverts dont have a larynx so that could be some weird excuse to eat shellfish and mullosks *shrugs*

whatever works for people i guess.
Well i just gotta say that i'm eating these eggrolls right now and they are GOOD. Cabbage and carrots ans other stuff. I don't think there's meat in it.

But i don't eat much meat come to think of it. My parents always used to force me into eating it. (hey, they're russian. You don't eat the food, you think your gonna get whacked like the mob or something) I eat meat of course, but not so much. Especially those steaks where the fat is like 50% of the thing. And i don't like seafood, period. And peppers. That's about it.
I dip in and out of being a veggie... Though I love some chicken every now and then, I'm not big on red meat, or even pork. I'm considering going Veggie, again, but I need some recipe ideas to keep it from getting BORING. Help?
Alyssa said:
I dip in and out of being a veggie... Though I love some chicken every now and then, I'm not big on red meat, or even pork. I'm considering going Veggie, again, but I need some recipe ideas to keep it from getting BORING. Help?

There are tons of recipes on GoVeg.Com and what's fun about eating vegetarian food is getting to experiment with foods :p I make my own meals all the time, and they're really good. I have my own stir-fry recipe using Morningstar Farms 'steak' strips and it's really very good.

I don't see how people can wear fur, really. It's disgusting. I'm looking for a pleather jacket as we speak :p (I've never had a leather jacket before in my life and I don't want a real one for obvious reasons)
People have been wearing fur for ages. It's entirely unnecessary now, but I wouldn't go as far as saying its disgusting.
I don't believe I could ever become a vegetarian, unfortunaetly. I can't stand vegetable [corn, potatoes I can handle] but I don't even want to go near the others. :p
vegaslights said:
I don't believe I could ever become a vegetarian, unfortunaetly. I can't stand vegetable [corn, potatoes I can handle] but I don't even want to go near the others. :p

Believe me Shane, I used to grimace at the thought of eating tofu and other things :lol: :p Especially when my sister tried to become a vegetarian and she spit out the food she was eating. I admit it though, I love tofu. I love soy products, and I've always been a big fan of vegetables. I think it's probably easier if you're into vegetables ;)

And I think now that when people wear fur when it's unnecessary, to me that's disgusting. Disgusting in general and disgusting in character, because they don't need it. They just have it because it's 'stylish' and expensive and the media's going to be all over it.
^It's good to know that you've overcome your grimacing of tofu and soy products. I don't think I'll ever go near them. :lol:

But I'll eat fruits! I love raspberries, blackberries, tangerines, bananas, starwberries, etc. I love fruits.

Vegetarian? Never. :p