Down: me is crying hole day and feel terribel, im sad, angry and so lonely and i slept most of the day and after that i eat to much..
Up: the fact that my cat Lilly had so much fun walking outside on the grass and thats she just layed down on my lab and fall a sleep.. I love you Lilly forever..
Down - I was supposed to being going out tonight for a drink, but my plans have fallen through.
Down - I had to work today. *sighs* I've working Saturday for 2 years now, for some reason I still can’t get used to getting up on a Saturday morning.
Up- As soon as I've been left in the lurch tonight, I've been watching my CSI dvd *yay*, so far I’ve watched 3 episodes and in a moment I'm off to watch the next one, 'Hollywood Brass'.
Down: still feeling lonely and far away from the people i love..
Down: its almost my birhtday i know it will be a disaster again this year just like least year everybody will drop out on the last minute..
Wow, congratz on the new thread!
UP: I just reinstalled Windows and formatted one of my HDDs.
DOWN: I have lots of further things to do to the PC.
DOWN: My mom cooked a PEPPERCORN in the fruit soup! ROTFLMAO! :lol: We were laughing so bad!
DOWN: I'm sooo sleepy.
DOWN: I couldn't choose among 3 movies to watch tonight. Eventually I chose CSI
DOWN: My b/w printer cartridge still won't work