Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up: I got my wireless internet to work again!

Down: A huge storm just hit and there has been some flooding in nearby cities and power outages
Up: Things are looking up for my class registration for next year. :D

Down: My friend is very tired from working on the school musical. :(
Up: I had American Lit today... I love that course. :D

Down: I went to get my statement of fees to pay the tuition, and she asked me if I'm on the dean's list, and I didn't know... :confused: I don't know where to get my grades from and I need to know NOW.
Up: I went to Borders and got a few books and a DVD

Down: I crammed my head too full of CSI (Double Dealler all night so I can't think too well)
Aww...Palm sorry to hear that.

Downs: Woke up feeling dizzy, weak and lethargic. Still is. And today I showed 2 of my friends who Horatio Caine is and they all said mean things...really, really mean things. :mad:

Up: Do I have an 'up'? I guess it's this. Since I'm not feeling well, I don't work today and just read my book. Good thing about being your own boss. And getting a cute thing from Pusher.
Down - Freezing cold wind and I couldn't find a working cash machine along the high street. (Not a huge down, but it miffed me right off) :eek:

Up - Finding a really cheap car insurance quote! :D
up: tomorrow the kaiser chiefs gig!
down: a history test went reaaaaly bad, and tomorrow i have a physics test.
Up - We are about to have pancakes, yeah.

Down - Was in school for 13 hours to day and some scusy person splashed mud all over my car and it is flithy :(
Ups Lunch was fun, because me and my friends had to sit by ourselves because the other table was too full, and table with theese boys [including the one I like ;P ] came over to sit with us and it was... intresting i'll say that.

DownsSchool thats good enough of a low for me.
Footyliz said:
Up - We are about to have pancakes, yeah.

I had some today too! :D Happy Shrove day to everyone! (english, mainly I guess ;) )

Up: Playing football for the first time in many months! :D Damn, kicked so much ass. Until the boys started playing us. :lol:

Down: It was hailing while I was at school, 40 miles away from school where my town is, was having heavy snow. :mad: I am so bummed I missed the snow! :p
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