Ups and Downs for the Day

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Dolphin said:
defiantDittohead said:
Dolphin said:
Dittohead, aren't you better?

nope :(

seeing the Hospital on mon, for surgery or something
Autch... :eek: good luck! Get better soon. ;)

cheers ;) i think it will be ok, theyll xray it first, and then decide, but im sure ive moved the bone when i sleep, cos it hurts to sleep

down: being "rebelious"
up: listening to a catchy song..."WASP - wild child"
Poor dave! Get better!

Up: Tomorrow: JORJA'S B-DAY (happyness, hyperactive)
Down: It's too hot, and it's bedtime, I hate bedtime.
Up: I got to sleep in really late this morning.

Down: I had to go to the dentist... and it wasn't very fun.
I hate going to the dentist too, it's holiday, so I never do anything about my appearance then.. so I haven't brushed my teeth for days *shame* no, wait! I did it this morning! But before this morning, the last time was tuesday :eek:
RoosCSILover said:
I hate going to the dentist too, it's holiday, so I never do anything about my appearance then.. so I haven't brushed my teeth for days *shame* no, wait! I did it this morning! But before this morning, the last time was tuesday :eek:

:lol: Sounds like me and flossing! Yeah, my dentist was kinda upset because I don't floss that often!
Up: Plenty of time and a new season of 24
Up: Listening to a great song

Down: Headache, light headed etc..

I try to avoid goin to the dentist as much as possible, and I haven't had a single dental problem my entire life. I try to avoid going now due to the enormous amounts of cola I consume every day....
Down: My boyfriend left to go camping for 4 days, and I'm completely miserable without him. I know, I'm sounding pretty whiny, but I just can't help it! :(

Up: I cleaned the house today. I'm so proud of me.
Up: It's Jorja's birthday, and the weekend's near. :D

Down: Reports, essays, assignments, headache... it's all going to start again soon.
Up: i feel like in Miami heat! :p :D
Up: right now talking with my friend, bla bla bla blah! :lol:
Up: yummy cherry's! :D

down: nothing on Tv today.. :p
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