Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Had soo much fun at the concert last night
Up: School's finally over
Up: I got good advise on what to do for one of my reports
Down: My throat hurts soo badly
Down: Blah, I am so tired
Down: My feet hurt
Down: Broke my wiper blade
Down: Broke my scrapper
Down: 45 dollars to replace both.
Up: This day is over with.
up: short day of school
up: no homework
up: hung out with a friend
down: i'm hungry and tired but I have to stay up for NCIS :lol:
up: i told my best friend how i felt about her boyfriend and her.

down: my boyfriend called a girl i cannot stand cute.

up: i went out to lunch today

down: i hung out with my best guy friend.

down: finals :(

up: slept late.
Down: I heard that we're getting a new timetable in school soon. I hope that I'll keep my 6 lessons day on Friday.

Up: nothing
Hugs *Eva* if you need someone to talk to, I'm there for you. My condolences.

Up: Getting my iPod back today! (it's been at Apple Centre since October, didn't get sent to the Technical Support thing.. blahblah.. well I got it finally).
Down: So much to study.
Down: A presentation tomorrow.. (but well I get to skip school because we're going to a museum, with KCV classes)
Down: A presentation friday..
Up: Looks like I'm going to have fun with 2 of my friends today.
Thanks very much MissMontana, Tinkerbell, Dolphin and Roosy. *hugs* And good luck with your presentations, Roos! I hate doing presentations. I have to do one next week, for English. What museum are you going to? 'Cause some KCV classes from my school are going to a museum tomorrow too.

Down: School was so stupid today.
Up: No homework for tomorrow.
Up: Awake, and I'm not dead
Up: My throat doesn't hurt!
Down: Snowing outside...ew!
Down: My neck is really cold!
Down: I don't want to go to school today!
Down: already so dark outside.. :(
Down: so much homeworks..
Up: at least sun was shining today and no wind :p
Down: school sucked today..
down: brr why here always is so cold.. :mad:
Down: there is nothing on Tv tonight.. no one of my favorite shows :p
Down: i want to take a nap, why it is down? couse i can't i have homeworks :rolleyes:
up: thats it! i am tired, and i going to take a nap! :eek: :lol: *sleeps on keyboard* zzzzz ..
Up: School wasn't that bad
Up: I finished all my homework!
Up: I made juice and I'm drinking it!
Up: I got 93% on a test I thought I did horrible on
Down: I rolled over my toe with the stupid chair, that really hurt!
Down: Grr! My phone won't stop flashing at me! Even though I checked the messages, it's still flashing!
Up: I have today off from work!

Down: I have to do boring stuff today, like read through all of the university crap that UQ sent me.
Down: It's hot :(
Down: Work seemed to take forever today.
Up: It finally ended.
Up: Kids actually ate what I made for supper for a change.
Down: I got to do dishes while their dad took them sledding.
Up: no school today due to ice
Up: CSI: Miami marathon on A&E
Up: the station manager at the radio station I work for invited me to his party
Up: a continuation of the above...Nintendo Wii + Neutral Milk Hotel = great party
Down: my ex boyfriend's best friend wants to go on a date with me
Down: I thought I had quit smoking for good...I was wrong
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