Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Down - I had to work today after staying up late last night

Up - I have tomorrow off! OMFG YAY!
Up - I got to see people who I hadn't seen in almost 2 months last night! It was awesome!
I really hope you'll feel better soon, WillowsWannaBe! I know about bad moods.

Down: School tomorrow.
Down: So much to do.
Down: Tired.
down: woke up at 13:00pm, so.. short day for me :p
Down: Still i have to get done my homeworks... but i don't want to move my ass out of this chair :p
Down: oh great, i remember that i should go get some paper from grandma..but i already sad, I DON'T WANT MOVE MY ASS OUT OF THIS CHAIR! :lol:
down: nothing interesting on tv tonight..gosh, what a boring sunday.. :rolleyes:
Thanks Tinksy, quoth and SaraStar :)

DOWN: this is the second day I woke up crying.
DOWN: I can't stop trembling, WTF.
DOWN: I can't eat.

Has anyone else ever felt like this? It scares me, and I want it to END.
up: dint stop drinking till 2 this morning (had a lot of fun that night!! :)
up: dont suffer hangovers :lol:
down: I have a biology exam to revise for :(
Up: Had so much fun this weekend
Up: Dyed my roommates hair and I didn't manage to screw that up!
Down: Stupid definitons I have to write out for my anthro. class. And I'm stupid and lost the sheet with all the words, so now I either hand it in and get a really low mark, or hand it in late and get an okay mark.
Down: Weekends over :(
Up: managed to clean my room, so I can at least get through it.
Down: My son is angry with me for cleaning his room.
Up: My daughter is happy with me for helping clean her room.
Up: Done cleaning for awhile.
Up: yeey, i took a day off because of the storm
Up: at least i have electricity :p
down: my parents are sleeping..hate that, i need to be quiet but i don't want it
Up: so today i have plenty of time to clean my room and rats cage :)
Down: It's early in the morning I already know that I'm going to do a lot of homework this afternoon :(

Down: we have to play handball in Sports :(

Up: the weekend was great
Up: I thought of the best plan so I do not get late marks or fail on my definitions!
Up: I am awake, and alive, and not dead
Up: Excited for tonight
Down: I'm hungry
Down: Really don't want to go school today
Down: It's too early in the morning :p
Up - My T-shirts were delivered today. :D

Down - My mobile phone is being really temperamental today
Down - I feel so tired. I just want my nice warm bed.
Zsó, me hopes you'll be alright.

Up/Down: Creepy guy in our street on 7.30 am this morning. He kept walking around and touching the cars and he looked at our houses all the time. My stepmom called the police.
Down: I'm hungry
Up: School was cool today.
Up: I got myself to study. *is proud of self*
Up: 2nd part of Waking the Dead is on tonight :D
Up: New series of Prison Break starts in less than 2 hours! :D Whoo!
Up: Found another job to apply for.
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